Headline News for July 4, 2017

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Jul 04, 2017, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Hawaiian-style gourmet burger & sandwich restaurant ' Kua Aina ' is limited edition for the summer period from July 5, 2017 (Wednesday) as ' spicy thick-cut cheddar burger ' ' spicy thick-cut mozzarella burger ' ' spicy avocado ' It will start to provide three types of hamburger burger '. In each hamburger, 'specially made spicy sauce' full of the flavor of vegetables is used, which is based on tomatoes, is carefully cooked with 5 kinds of spices such as cumin and chilli and several kinds of vegetables, and is finished with fresh tomatoes. It is a perfect new burger for

'Spicy thick-cut cheddar burger' looks like this.

'Spicy thick-cut mozzarella burger' is this.

Spicy Avocado Burger has avocado slices on top of spicy sauce. The prices for single items are 1250 yen after tax, lunch SET is 1450 yen after tax, dinner SET is 1550 yen after tax, and the sales period is from July 5, 2017 (Wednesday) to early October 2017. .

By the way, such an article was published on the same day in the past on the same day.

A movie infiltrating the ruined Nara Dreamland is very popular abroad and will be played over 2.33 million times-GIGAZINE

I walked around the ghost town of Tianjin to see if the Chinese economy would collapse-GIGAZINE

If Google analyzes big data and predicts the World Cup, will it be a quarterfinal match all match? -GIGAZINE

Trying to make a homemade head-up display with DIY becomes like this-GIGAZINE

Kentucky all-you-can-eat report, how many people actually came and how was it? -GIGAZINE

A pictorial summary of the site where you can see how great new particle discovery that seems to be a Higgs particle is a great thing, Peter Higgs also appeared-GIGAZINE

◆ neta (memo, various other)

◆ Science (Science, Learning, Technology)
A nest of fire ants in Osaka port, also a queen ants? Domestic breeding fears: The Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Results of testing for sports genetics → It turns out that there is no talent.

[Video] A mother bear swimming with two baby bears, a rare video | National Geographic Japan Edition site

Heart attack and increased risk of stroke with shingles, study 1 photo International News: AFPBB News

◆ Society, politics, economy (case, world news, business)
Training services to chain wild animals and haunt dogs are rampant in Russia 'abuse' animal protection groups rebound

ICBM Class Possibilities While Analyzing North Korean Launched Missiles = South Korean President | Reuters

North Korea special news coverage 'ICBM launch test first success' | NHK News

North Korea announced on the 4th as 'specially serious news' through state-run media that 'ICBM = successful launch test of intercontinental ballistic missile'. Prior to this, the United States revealed that North Korea had launched a medium-range ballistic missile, and concerned countries are continuing analysis.

North Korea's missile launch on the American Independence Day

Mr. Tun 'Tame what else can I do': International: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan 'Agree on the 6th' EU announces: Asahi Shimbun Digital

40% non-publication of 'indecent teachers' educators Victim protection, for reasons: Asahi Shimbun digital

Sexual harassment in a public-private fund or a lottery meal Request: Asahi Shimbun Digital

According to a labor union attorney, the managing director, who currently heads the investment department, called a 'soukai party' to a karaoke shop in Tokyo last July, calling four female employees to call 'wine dinners' and 'handmade presents' I drew a lottery hand-written and so on. Three days later, the managing director, through the secretary, requested the staff to adjust the schedule to execute the contents of the lot drawn. It was said that the employee did not actually execute it because it offered to the sexual harassment consultation counter of the organization.

Tsugaru Strait 'Right to Pass' China Ministry of Defense, Japan Rebuttal-Sankei News

'Such as these' Prime Minister's Speech, Secretary-General 'Sense of Common Sense'-2017 Metropolitan Assembly Election: Asahi Shimbun Digital

The real cause of the Abe LDP's loss as seen in the 'such people' remarks (Shoko Egawa)-Personal-Yahoo! News

Childcare leave 'do you move to India ...' Judgment of dismissal invalidity: Asahi Shimbun digital

The history of narrowing down to Kakei Gakuen 'No record' Cabinet Office: Asahi Shimbun Digital

The Cabinet Office announced on March 3 the Democratic Party of Japan's investigation team on how the business was narrowed down to the “Kakegakuen” school corporation, whose friend is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, over the establishment of the Veterinary Medicine Department in the National Strategic Special Zone. At the meeting, they answered, 'No records are kept.' If there is no record, it is not possible to verify the process of not choosing Kyoto Sangyo University, which was also aiming to establish a veterinary department, and it is likely to be the focus of the closing examination of the National Assembly, which is expected to be open in July.

North Korea launches missiles Also, landing on the exclusive economic waters of the Sea of Japan | NHK News

It is cracked on the floor by excessive load of books Shizuoka Prefectural Central Library, closed for 3 to 4 months | Shizuoka Shimbunsa at S

LDP, 'the prime minister's responsibility' and low-scenes Tokyo election defeated, unable to summarize-2017 Tokyo election: Asahi Shimbun digital

Defense Minister Inada: Withdrawal of complaints Roundabouts of weekly journal articles-Mainichi Shimbun

LDP, Prime Minister's unannounced examination and invitation proposal of Mr. Maekawa Rejecting the prosperity: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Examination without closing prime minister = LDP proposal, Dissemination rejected: Jiji Dot com

Painful News (∀ ∀`): A Kenyan bridge created by a Chinese company collapses before its completion Total cost 1.4 billion yen-Livedoor Blog

Three US states legalize cannabis for tastes, car collisions increase | Forbes JAPAN (Forbes Japan)

Defense Minister Inada, voice to demand strong realignment 'Severely received' barrage-2017 metropolitan assembly election: Asahi Shimbun digital

[Deep in the news] Targeted Japanese brands Is there a rampant measure of growing strawberries and grape varieties in China and Korea? Is there measures to prevent them? (1/3 pages)-Sankei News

Mr. Sagawa, director of the Ministry of Finance, criticized the director of the National Tax Agency for the issue of Moritomo: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Forest meditation called 'quiet hunting' | Russia NOW

'Quiet hunting (picking mushrooms)' is a typical Russian hobby. I have never seen a true enthusiasm for the search for edible mushrooms in other countries. It's more serious than hunting, fishing and wild berry picking, and seems to be of gourmet interest at the bottom, but it's not limited to it. This can be called a secret activity with a series of rituals.

Motorcycle King Research Institute of Motorcycle Life 'Risael Price' ranking announced 'Kawasaki · ZRX1200 DAEG' won three consecutive! | Bike King Bike Life Research Institute | Bike King & Company Co., Ltd.

Do you become 'a working life up to 74 years old'? : Nikkei Business Online

'In 2025, the majority of baby boomers are over the age of 75. By that time, it is necessary to create a society in which the elderly can shift from being supported to being supported. In the past, in order to stop declining birth rates, it was necessary to take effective measures against declining birth rates for baby boom juniors, but now they are already over 40 years of age, and the measures have come to an end This time, it is the last chance for Japan to overcome the declining birthrate and aging society if elderly people can turn to support the society.

Although quite mild and eclectic expressions are used, in short, the idea is to cover the failure of the measures to counter declining birth rates by continuing to work as many elderly people as possible and turning to the 'supporting side' of society. .

I compared the contents of the textbook on morals of elementary school for every eight publishers (FY2016)-My life, only strange people!

'Road tribe' trouble serious = child and parent playing on the residential street-regional morality dilution, expert: Jiji dot com

The world seen by people with low vision-Having a 'white cane' in the middle of life-Yahoo! News

◆ IT · gadget (net, software, hardware, mobile)
App new service! 'Quick order' start that you can receive without waiting in line for easy reservation Krispy Kreme Donuts | WHAT'S NEW

From July 4, 2017 (Tuesday),
We will start a new function 'Quick Order' of the app that can be received without waiting in the store for easy reservation.

'Quick order' is
This is a new service limited to the main members of the app, a convenient service that allows you to order and settle on the app, and receive products at a dedicated counter.
'Quick order' service limited product 'gift dozen set' or
We sell 3, 6 and 12 assortment sets that can be freely combined with your favorite donuts.

Hatena Bookmark New User Page Officially Released-Hatena Bookmark Development Blog

[AWS revival] Let's create 'a secret page that you can not see in 3 minutes' with CloudFront signed URL! Server Works Engineer Blog

Google Cloud Platform Japan Official Blog: Open Source Initiatives: Google and Ansible Engineers Collaborate on GCP Infrastructure Management

11 things to remember when designing apps for wearables | Adobe Creative Station

A new model has evolved in which the liquid crystal has become easy to see! Boogie Board BB-9 Released | News | King Jim of Files and Tepra

Tokyo Shimbun: May large-scale cyber-attack Hitachi damage infection source is electron microscope equipment: economy (TOKYO Web)

[News] It's fun to rotate it! Launches Gear Holic high-speed 'hand spinner' 4 products that can be selected by the number of blades and the type of material

News July 3, 2017: Launch of Secure Low-cost SIM for IoT | NTT Com Company Information | NTT Communications Company Information

NTT Communications Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NTT Com) will provide '100 Yen SIM' suitable for IoT from today on secure enterprise mobile network service 'Arcstar Universal One Mobile Global M2M'.

If the amount of communication per IoT device is less than 1 MB, the monthly fee is 100 yen (excluding tax), so it is the best course for IoT service providers who run watching services and remote monitoring of devices.

◆ Anime ・ Game ・ Manga (Sub-Carl)
The domestic home video game market size in the first half of 2017 is 153.2 billion yen. The Nintendo switch is leading, for the first time in three years. ... 'Famitsu' marketing bulletin ...: Jiji dot com

The PlayStation®4 'Glacier White' will be released as a regular product from July 29th | PlayStation.Blog

Sakutsu and refreshing, nice shot! Launched July 4th, the national golf game Mingol, which can be enjoyed on smartphones! | PlayStation.Blog

Game commentary / evaluation summary @ 2ch: I would like you to refute because I list the useless part of Zelda BOTW

Game impression / evaluation summary @ 2ch: Three majors, do you do this fucking game again again → next day the pochi game

Squadron & Rider: 'Niciasa' in a fierce tele morning 'I understand the people involved'-MANTANWEB (Mantan Web)

About the game on July 2nd, comment by Sasaki Yukuru 5-dan | Samurai topics | Japan Shogi Federation

Aniplex, final profit increased 2.2 times to 16.5 billion yen in the fiscal year ending March 2005 ... 'Fate / Grand Order' is a big hit | Social Game Info

A second illness must see! Distopia is not a world where life has died, but it has been a peaceful but ruined world (Post-Apocalypse), but it is a peaceful world that is thoroughly managed and citizens are not aware-Togetter

◆ Sports, Entertainment, Music, Film (Entertainment)
Why on earth? Japanet Takata founder, reason why Akira Shibata became representative of J2 Nagasaki [170704]

Podolski to join Vissel Kobe presents a video full of Japanese tastes Origami, bonsai, kendo, and kimono can not wait to come to Japan? : Domeca Blog

◆ J League ◆ Podolski talks behind the scenes of negotiations between Chinese and Japanese clubs! 'It's really the opposite of day and night! '

'I have been in the bargaining session with a Chinese club, but I also decided to go to China without speaking to the agent. Everyone in the bargaining with the Chinese club has been out. Except that there was also no Chinese at all, which tells everything: I know the backstage of the negotiations between China and Japan, but it's really the opposite of day and night !

FC Gifu Sisigno's tweeted impressions with Abispa Jojo Joss 'Jogo's uniform received': Domesaka Blog

◆ Premier ◆ All 20 Clubs New Season HomeKit Popularity Index Ranking Arsenal is still 4 by by skySports

◆ New product (clothes, food, housing)
Loco Moco Opening Commemoration Loco Moco All Stars | allhawaii All Hawaii

McDonald's 'Lokomoco Burger' as LOCOMOCO ALLSTARS,
Skylark Gusto 'Cheese IN Loco Moco Bowl',
Lawson certified 'Karagekun loco moco de migra source taste',
It will be sold at McDonald's, Gusto, Lawson from July 11, 2017 (Tuesday).

Delicious infinity in attention No. 1 ingredients 'Pakuchi'! \ Pactist collection / Asian hamburger of pakuchi and green vegetables start sale on July 11, 2017 (Tuesday)

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log