Why are babies born at 8 o'clock in the morning?

ByTim Bish

In the data of the USA, it is known that "the time when the baby is hard to be born is 3:09 AM" "The time when the baby is most likely to be born is just 8 AM", when it is seen in the time period, it is born per minute There is an opening of 3.5 times in the difference in the number of children. Why such a pattern is born? That's why data analystsZan ArmstrongHe analyzed and visualized the data released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and explored the cause.

Why Are so Many Babies Born around 8: 00 A. M.? - Scientific American Blog Network

According to Armstrong, the waves of the number of babies are born mainly due to differences in delivery methods. In the United States, 32% of the babies are born with Caesarean section, it is said that 18% of babies born in induced labor and 50% of natural births. As a result of the time zone in which each delivery method is easy to take, there are few children born in the evening, and the number of children born around early in the morning or noon increases. For example, if you look at a child born in natural delivery, children born between 6:45 am and 6 pm earlier than at night are 20-30% higher, but there is a big difference there There seems to be nothing.

In case of induced labor, it is divided into two parts in the morning and afternoon, and the peak is from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The difference between this peak and 6 am - 7 am when few babies are born is large, 2.2 times larger. Due to the long time it takes to deliver a baby from the induction of labor and the individual differences are large, doctors are said to conduct guidance on the assumption that childbirth will be carried out during the day when there are many staff.

On the other hand, the Caesarean section depicts a wave completely different from the other two. Firstly, there is a large waveform early in the morning, the next bigger waveform can be seen around noon. And babies are born at a certain rate from early afternoon to midnight, and the number of babies born early in the morning peak is nearly ten times as much as midnight. In the case of caesarean section, it may be done in an emergency, but there are many cases scheduled in advance for various reasons. Therefore, as with other surgical operations, it is strongly influenced by the hospital schedule.

There is a pattern for each delivery method, but when you integrate three, you can see what tendency as a whole is. As a result, the timing of the timing when the baby as a whole is born is as shown in the graph below.

The peak of childbirth when looking at one week unit is 8 to 9 o'clock on Monday, because Caesarean section is done much. The baby born on Caesarean section during this time is 3.7 times more on average, while the proportion of babies born in other ways during this time on average is less than that. Overall, it means that a baby born at 1.9 times the average will be born at 8 to 9 o'clock on Monday. At first glance, you can see that "facts" are visible in a form that is easy to understand in the case of analyzing / visualizing things that seems to have "such a tendency ... ...?" As if mysterious power is working.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log