"Skyrim VR" "Fishing Gay of FANTASY XV" etc. PS VR new titles released at E3 2017 Summary

In E3 2017's "PlayStation E3 MEDIA SHOWCASE", 6 titles of PlayStation VR (PS VR) of various genres such as SF · FPS · fantasy · horror · fishing were announced.

PlayStation E3 MEDIA SHOWCASE (Japanese simultaneous interpretation sound) - YouTube

Watch live video of PlayStation from www.twitch.tv

From here PlayStation VR related games

VR version of "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" appears from Bezesta for the first one

I'm casting magic from my hands. It is expected that you can truly move both hands and use it by using PlayStationMove.

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR". It is possible to play full game with VR, and it will appear in November 2017.

A cheering voice came up from the venue.

Individual movies can be seen from the following.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PlayStation VR E3 Trailer - YouTube

From the playful SF title "STAR CHILD"

Horror title appears from Supermassive Games

"THE INPATIENT" was awarded in the game department of the British Academy Award in 2016 "Until Dawn - The tragedy of the tragedy -It is a horror game set in the world more than 60 years ago.

The Inpatient - PlayStation VR Announce Trailer | E3 2017 - YouTube

Next, the final of Final Fantasy 15 appeared

Pick up a mysterious transceiver ......

When the fish is fished, it seems to be a phishing game instead of RPG ... ...?

Nobody looking at the lake with the rod in hand

It seems like FF seems to be able to catch a messy fish too.

the title is"MONSTER OF THE DEEP FINAL FANTASY XV". "Players enjoy authentic fishing with the nocturnes in the world of FFXV and sometimes as hunters can challenge monsters lurking underwater.Familiarity of Ignis, Prompt, Gladio etc experienced in the world of virtual reality The encounter with the characters and the fishing on the beautiful waterside will bring unprecedented presence and you will be able to immerse yourself in the world of FFXV deeper. "

It is scheduled to appear in September 2017, the price is yet to be determined.


Again from Supermassive Games, FPS PS VR exclusive title was announced.

The title is "Bravo Team". It is supposed to undertake the task of protecting the president from the terrorists in the team with FPS set in modern fictitious Eastern Europe.

Bravo Team - PlayStation VR Announce Trailer | E3 2017 - YouTube

From the American game studio Polyarc, the fantasy title "MOSS" appeared.

The hero's "quill".

It is a game that uses magic to solve puzzles.

Polyarc - Moss E 3 2017 Announcement Trailer - YouTube

"God of War" and "Spider-Man" etc. Game for PlayStation 4 released at E3 2017 - GIGAZINE

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log