"Tokyo Toy Show 2017" All articles summary list

Toy manufacturers' largest toy sample in Japan gathered "Tokyo Toy Show 2017"Started. This year is also 4 days, June 1st (Thursday) 2nd (Fri) is a business meeting for business people, 3rd (Sat) 4th (Sun) is free public admission day. What kind of toys will appear this year?


Arrived at Tokyo Big Site.

Halls 1, 2 and 3 are the venues.

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◆ June 1, 2017 15:26:00
Electric scooter "JYRO" series 3 types appeared in Tokyo Toy Show 2017, tried a new sense sports gear - GIGAZINE

◆ June 1, 2017 23:46:00
Caregiveness play doll "Mel" birthday birth anniversary, unique and superior system transformed with realistic and magical makeup excellence - GIGAZINE

◆ June 20, 2017 16:30:00
A programming tool kit "toio (Toyo)" Sony created as a "play × robot" concept - GIGAZINE

◆ June 20, 2017 20: 34: 00 second
Sugoroku became world level in three-dimensional "Earth whole whole sugoroku" - GIGAZINE

◆ 2017 6/02/21/15/00/00
Analog camera "Printoss" to instantly print instantly the photos taken with smartphones on the spot - GIGAZINE

in Coverage, Posted by darkhorse_log