Junk food "CHIZZA" second shock of shock which made fried chicken substitute for pizza dough, "CHIZZA burgundy" tasting review

"The moment of cheating came"So, in 2016, the strongest junk food "CHIZZA (Tizza)" made fried chicken into pizza fabric appeared in Kentucky, but on May 30, 2017 (Tue) as CHIZZA 2nd bullet "CHIZZA Bulgogi"Has appeared. It seems that it is an item that "combines chicken and beef into" desirelessly ", so I actually went to a shop and ate it.

The second version of "CHIZZA (Tizza)" overturning the common sense of chicken is released nationwide on May 30 (Tuesday)! Next time, "Beef in Chicken!" CHICKEN × PIZZA "CHIZZA (Chiza) Bulkogi" Appearance Pizza toppings of burgundy style to domestic chicken piece meat. A piece of shock that Mr. Degawa Tetsuro was truly surprised!

CHIZZA (Tiza) Bulgogi | KFC

Arrived in Kentucky.

When entering the shop, I found CHIZZA Bulkogi in the menu picture on the cash register. Although CHIZZA Bulgogi is offered from May 30th, it is said that the start time offered is different depending on the shop, so if you want to eat certainly, it is better for people going to the neighborhood shop to call after going.

Without waiting, I immediately received CHIZZA Bulgogi. The single item was 980 yen including tax, and it was 1130 yen including tax when it was set with drink S.

CHIZZA Bulgogi is offered in a box written as "# more jealous". If this hashtagged Twitter contribution achieves 81,800, it is said that CHIZZA third release will be decided.

When opening the box, CHIZZA appeared.

Compared to the iPhone SE with a total length of 123.8 mm, this is about this size. It is small if you think that it is pizza, but it is a nonstandard size when thinking it is fried chicken.

Over the Kentucky Fried Chicken instead of the pizza dough, beef and spinach seasoned with burgundy flavor, plenty of mayonnaise and cheese, and red pepper are on.

Although CHIZZA is divided into 4 equal parts in advance, it was not completely cut, so it was necessary to cut the meat with tears and eat it by hand. Because the paper napkin quickly disables with the oil of chicken's clothes and mayonnaise quickly, you can feel direct junk or wild taste even if you have direct CHIZZA at the preparedness that the hand will be a giggit.

As we try to eat it, the chicken uses 1 piece of breast meat, so whenever you chew, the fiber gets torn up and you can enjoy a solid feeling of flesh. Because I am using breast meat, the first one, CHIZZA was an impression that "it is unexpectedly sweet?", But CHIZZA Bulgogi has plenty of mayonnaise and sweet beef in addition to fried chicken juicy oil & The richness of the cheese spreads through the mouth all the way. The junk food feeling has become much higher and it is a mass of calories! You can realize that. I feel like I can be happy when I eat on an empty stomach.

The section looks something like this. As a pizza one piece is slightly smaller but there are quite thick and eaten response.

The calorie is 851 kcal per one sheet, and it is calculated to be 212 kcal per piece. It is somewhat higher compared to the first CHIZZA being 704 kcal, but it certainly was a junk taste with calories reflected.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log