New melting tales' new chiffon cake 'Washi Sanbon Tailoring' and 'Marble Orange' have been eaten by melting in the mouth

Wasan BinCoated elegant whipped cream using "Chiffon Cake ~ Washi Sanbon Tailoring ~Refreshing using orange juice "Chiffon cake marble orange"Has appeared from Tully's coffee. I softly chiffon cake with fluffy mohumofu, coloring with elegant Waseda basin and fresh orange, which means that they are finished in a cake perfect for accompanying coffee so I ate with Tully 's coffee at once.

In the spring of Tully's coffee, hoods also appear one after another! Seasonal donuts and chiffon cakes, and other reprint menus will be released sequentially from Wednesday, April 5 | TULLY'S COFFEE

I came to Tully's coffee.

A signboard advertising two new chiffon 2 species was stood at the shop front.

I ordered immediately and seated. "Chiffon cake and drink set together"Chiffon Cake ~ Washi Sanbon Tailor - Set"When"Chiffon cake marble orange setThere is a cake set 790 yen including tax. Please note that cakesets are on sale starting at 14:00 onwards.

Plain chiffon cake with whipped cream covered "Chiffon Cake ~ Washi Sanbon Tailoring ~". The calorie is 297 kcal, the price is 490 yen including tax.

It is a chiffon cake featuring an elegant sweet whipped cream that used Wasanbon.

The cross section looks like this and there is a height.

Compare the size with iPhone 7 like this.

Boring a fork at once.

When eating it actually, chiffon cake is insanely mofumofu and gently dissolves when put in the mouth. The whipped cream is as simple as using Wasan Bon Festival, and it has an unobtrusive and elegant taste. Still there is a firm presence, perfect for accompanying coffee. Even if the sweet one is not so good at it, it is finished in an adult cake that seems to be deliciously eaten.

The chiffon cake is quite Mohumov, it will sink quite a bit when trying to cut with a fork and it will show a great softness.

Then the oranges are on the topping "Chiffon cake marble orangeI'll eat it. Here the calorie is 287 kcal, the price is 490 yen including tax. I coat a refreshing scented chiffon cake with orange fruit juice with whipped cream and feature that the section of the cake is marble pattern.

Orange of toppings.

The cross section of the cake is a marble handle.

Actually eating it is also Mofumov's chiffon cake, but the texture is obviously rougher than "Chiffon cake - Washingama trimmings ~".

Although it is hard to understand in the photograph, when it says in side by side, the whipped cream of "Chiffon cake ~ Washi Sanbon tailoring" got slightly yellowish. When comparing eating each whipped cream, it is clearly more sweet that "Chiffon cake - Washingama trim" ~ is more gentle sweet, "orange flavor" is added to whipped "whiter" "Chiffon cake marble orange" I understand well of.

In addition, "Chiffon cake ~ Washi Sanbon tailoring ~" and "Chiffon cake marble orange" are both 490 yen including tax, and started selling on April 14, 2017 (Friday). Both of them are outstandingly compatible with coffee, so it seems to be nice to spend a blissful moment with your favorite drinks as a cake set.

in Tasting, Posted by logu_ii