China complaint that Apple is pakuri resolved, finally resuming sales of iPhone 6

Apple has been allegedly infringed on intellectual property rights as "smart designs" to Chinese smartphone makers, I was ordered Chinese intellectual property authorities to stop selling iPhone 6. However, this intellectual property dispute eventually decided that "Similarity of design to iPhone 6 is not recognized and intellectual property rights have not been infringed", it was sunny and sales of iPhone 6 resumed in Beijing It was decided to be done. However, as long as it is OK, all is OK, it can not be said at all, and this case seems to be a form showing the selling risks in the Chinese market in various ways.

Chinese Court Overturns iPhone 6 Patent Ruling in Apple's Favor - Mac Rumors

In June 2016, Apple's iPhone 6 series sales injunction was ordered by iPhone 6 as iPhone 6's design is very similar to the smartphone "100 C" sold by China's Yu Li Co., Ltd., iPhone 6 in Beijing, the capital of China The case that stopped sales of the series is explained in the following article.

Possibility to stop sales in China as iPhone got designs - GIGAZINE

Beijing's appeal arbitration court acknowledged that "consumers can easily distinguish between 100 C and iPhone 6", and judging that Apple will not infringe the intellectual property rights of Yori Co., I canceled the sales injunction order at. Apple is now ready to resume selling the iPhone 6 series in Beijing. In this case, although there was discussion about whether similarity in design was recognized in the first place, there was discussion as to whether it can be said that Apple replicated illegally, but as predicted mostly "Apple is Shiro" judged that That's it.

By the end of the lawsuit seeking ultimate ruling, the intellectual property authorities can issue a suspension order to stop the infringement of intellectual property rights quickly. For this reason, if Apple is sued for infringement of intellectual property rights and is banned from selling it, it will only be a matter of time to argue in litigation over time and even if the assertion is later acknowledged as in this case, the smartphone As for the terminal to which new products are issued every year, such as every year, you may lose business opportunities during the period when you were ordered to stop selling, and victory in the case itself will not make sense. By the way, the management status of Xiao Co., which appealed Apple, is extremely bad, and it is pointed out that even if Apple makes a claim for damages, the damage will not be effectively restored in fact.

In order to sell products such as smartphones in a huge Chinese market, it is inevitable to attend the "circumstances" peculiar to the Chinese market, so sales men are likely to be constantly facing risks that are difficult to predict.

in Note,   Mobile,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log