How much is the degree of yakisoba reproduction of "Maru-chan yakisoba shumai"? I actually tried it.

"Maru-chan-yaki soba"Noodles and cabbage · carrot · red ginger are kneaded based on chicken and pork"Maru-chan-yaki soba Shumai"Has appeared on Wednesday, February 22, 2017. I tried to actually purchase and check what kind of foods are strange sounds like freshly baked yakisoba although it is shamai.

"Maru-chan yaki soba dumplings" new release, "Maru-chan shrimp dumplings," "the crab dumplings" renewed launch of News | News | Corporate Information | Toyo Suisan Co., Ltd.

Maruchan Yakisoba Shumai | Product Information - Toyo Suisan Co., Ltd.

The left side is Maru-chan-yaki soba noodles. The right side was a shrimp shrimp which was renewed on sale and tried purchasing for comparison.

The package looks something like this. Eight chilled boxes per box.

Vegetables (cabbage, carrots) are at the top of the raw material name, followed by meat (chicken, pork) · noodles.

Calorie is 37 kcal per piece, so it is 296 kcal with 8 boxes per box.


Cooking can be done with a microwave and steamer. In the case of a microwave oven put a cut of about 5 cm in the vinyl of the package ... ...

Heat at 500 W for 1 minute 30 seconds, 700 W at 1 minute 10 seconds, 600 W at 1 minute 20 seconds, 800 W at 1 minute.

Shumai was completed in no time.

Compared to the iPhone SE with a total length of 123.8 mm, this is about this size.

As I tried to eat it, the fragrance of the source drifted in the mouth fluffy, "finished yakisoba!" Finished in a different name. The sauce is spicy, but it is sweet and you can also feel the texture of cabbage shakyaki. However, although the taste is fried noodles, the texture of meat and leather is that of Shumai, it is strange feeling.

As I looked at the cross section, you can check cabbage etc, where is the noodles? With a thoughtful look ... ...

It was in properly.

There were individuals who perceived exactly that noodles were contained just by looking from the outside.

Because it is seasoned with source base, does the source match? I thought, I tried it with a commercially available Worcester sauce, but Maru-chan baked soba Shumai is a somewhat sweet sauce so if you put a sour tasty Worcestershire sauce you will feel "Korean Jani". It is OK even if you put on soy sauce, but the sauce loses the sauce 's flavor, so you will fall away from yakisoba at a stroke so you arrived at the conclusion that you eat as it is.

Next, I'll try eating shrimp which was renewed. As for cooking, it is OK by range heating like Shizoba Shumai.

Shrimp shrimp was slightly larger in size.

It is Shumai, where the flavor of shrimp is felt firmly, but since the seasoning of the base is simple, this is perfectly compatible with soy sauce.

I will also make Maru-chan fried noodles.

Stir pork, cabbage, carrots, add noodles and water to make it the same content as Maruchan Yakisoba Shumai.

If the moisture runs out weak the fire and cook easy simply by mixing the raw yakisoba sauce.


When I tried it, I am surprised that it is the same taste as Yakisoba Shumai ...!"Scone Nissin Yaki soba U.F.O. rich sauce-grilled soba taste" reproducing the taste of Nissini Yaki soba U.F.O.Although it says that it is "reproduced", there are still many products that do not come true to the main house, again, this is the same taste as saying "complete reproduction".

When comparing Yakisoba Shumai and Mr. chan 's fried noodles, the noodles seemed to be using the same noodles.

In addition, Maru-chan Yaki soba Shumai and Mulyan Shiba Shumai are both 255 yen excluding tax.

in Tasting,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log