Family Mart Limited, I ate Ace cook 's Sukiyaki Udon

"Sukiyaki Udon" released from Ace Cock was lined up in convenience stores, so I bought it and ate it eating.

However, looking at the official page, product information is not posted. I checked it by telephone and it seems that it is released only from FamilyMart on January 22. How is the taste you care about?

Details are as follows.
Retort cooked goods, quickly, contains liquid soup.

I will only put in mind quickly.

Wait 5 minutes. I just warmed up the retort cooked goods and liquid soup on the lid just in case.

Mix the liquid soup, mix it, add the retort cooked goods, Completion.

Although I tried eating, first the appetite appealed to the smell of sweet soy sauce. It looks very tasty. And although it is about the taste of the main thing, the soup tastes like sucking the sukiyaki sauce with soup stock. It is not too sweet, it is easy to eat. Beef, burdock, green onions are the main ingredients, but each one fits the soup very well. Noodle is normal, slightly rich texture.

If you like a sukiyaki you may want to buy it if you find one.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log