Anthropomorphic drawing that was drawn in the past, such as "personification of the planet"

Episodes that Columbus preached that "the earth is round" to intellectuals who believe the earth is a plane createsAlthough it is just a present cosmic view in the Middle Ages, it was different from the present thoughts and images about the universe. So how about the universe and the celestial bodies in the past publications were drawn? ThatTHE BRITISH LIBRARYIt is summarized.

Stars in Their Eyes: Art and Medieval Astronomy - Medieval manuscripts blog

Currently, stars in the night sky are often drawn on concentric circles, but this is a philosopher and astronomer of ancient GreeceHeracladesYaPlatoTheory of cosmology is becoming a roots. On the other hand, the universe drawn in the Middle Ages is a naturalist in ancient RomePlinyThe illustration was also a model. These astronomical charts gradually change with time, and the retrograde of the planet, the overlap of the orbit, the orbit of the zigzag, etc. will be taken into consideration. TheologianIsidolls"About nature" in the early medieval book of the astronomical chart is something wrong with the positional relationship between the sun, the moon and the earth, and the planet's name is different from what is currently used, but mostly contemporary It is the same as the astronomical chart.

Below is the astronomical chart on the left written in the Pliny's magazine, the one on the right was written about Isidoll's nature. Both are concentric and the stars are spreading, they look alike.

The mathematician Pythagoras said that the proportion of operation of the planet can be explained by the scale, but some of the astronomical charts drawn in the Middle Ages incorporate the Pythagoras theory, and between the planet and the planet annotations on the scale There were also things being done.

In the second half of the Middle Ages, the astronomical chart is shaped as follows. It is surrounded by "stars" seven planets and the Earth become layered and held by angels. There is a layer of fire, air and water between the Moon and the Earth, which is based on Plato's cosmology.

You can read about Plato's theory of cosmology and how it was overturned by Columbus' voyage from the following article.

What is the real reason why the voyage of Columbus reversed the view of the world so far? - GIGAZINE

The astronomical chart drawn in the book published in 1464 has hell in the center and throne where the god sits on the outermost side.

However, not only the astronomical chart drawn by concentric circles was the astronomical map in the Middle Ages. In the following astrophysics diagram, the bottom of the box is like the earth, and the ring above it represents the moon. Mercury and Venus are lining in the remaining rings,Seventh heavenIt is said that it continues to Saturn in that.

Also, something like this line graph is a star map. This was recorded in the Scientific Magazine of the 11th to 12th century, and the other waves are represented by an irregular graph, compared with the wavy sun in the center drawing a regular graph It is a feature.

There is also an ingenious astronomical chart in which the moon is drawn in a shape surrounding the sun, the earth on the outside and the planet on the outside are geometrically drawn.

An illustration in which an angel turns the axis of the world ... ...

There was also an illustration in which the planet was anthropomorphized.

Below is anthropomorphization of how the sun rises.

An anthropomorphic figure of anthropomorphization of the sun and moon on two-wheeled tanks. This is Greek mythologyHeliosmaybe.

Not only the astronomical chart but also the "constellation map" as another method of drawing a star spread in the Middle Ages. In the following constellation map, mythical monsters, ships, heroes, etc. are drawn in the night sky.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log