A wind power generation facility 'V164-9.0MW' that produces 216,000kWh equivalent to 20 years of ordinary American households appears on the 1st

The wind power generation facility 'V164-8.0MW' of MH Vestas, a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Vestas, set a record of 192,000kWh in 24 hours in 2014, the
World's most powerful wind turbine once again smashes 24 hour power generation record as 9 MW wind turbine is launched | MHI Vestas Offshore

Denmark's Massive Wind Turbine Breaks World Record | Digital Trends
The prototype of V164-9.0MW was installed in December 2016. The daily power generation of 216,000kWh generated there is equivalent to the power consumption of an average American household for 20 years.
By the way, you can see from the promotion video released by Vestas that even 8.0 MW, which is the previous generation, is quite large.
Vestas V164-8.0 MW --a game changer in offshore --YouTube
This is V164-8.0MW
The area through which the feathers pass is 21,124 square meters. This size increases the amount of energy produced in a lifetime by 25% compared to the past.

The diameter of 164m exceeds the 135m of the London Eye, a famous place in London.

The highest point that the wings pass through is 187m, which is slightly higher than the 180m of London's skyscraper 'The Gherkin'.
The field area of Wembley Stadium, the 'sacred place of soccer', fits perfectly into the area where the feathers pass.

The diameter of the blade is 4.6m ...

London's famous double-decker bus can be put inside as it is.

In addition, the length of 80m is equivalent to 9 buses (8.38m).

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in Hardware, Posted by logc_nt