"Crash of Clan" development company Supercell leaks more than 1 million user information

Supercell which is the development company of mobile game "Crash of Clan" was hacked, and it became clear that more than 1 million user account information including mail address and password leaked. Supercell urges users to change their passwords promptly.

Important: your Supercell forum password may be at risk - change immediately

Clash of Clans maker Supercell hacked; 1 million accounts compromised | VentureBeat | Security | by Dean Takahashi

Supercell who developed a hit work such as "crash of clan" "Hayei" "crash · royale", was attacked by a hacker around September 2016, user information of 1 million cases was stolen I understood that. Information leaked out by Supercell's "Community ForumAccount "email address and password only, it has no effect on the game account.

Supercell is calling for a password change along with an apology message on the official website and you can change the password of the forum account from the following page.

Lost Password Recovery Form - Supercell Community Forums

Also, if you use the same password as Supercell's account with another service, it is strongly recommended that you change to a different password as well.

in Mobile,   Software,   Game,   Security, Posted by darkhorse_log