Depression increases the risk of heart disease as much as cholesterol and obesity


It is a heart disease "depressionAlthough it causes various symptoms such as decreased appetite, insomnia, motivation / interest, and mental activity, it is also likely to exert a bad influence on the human body besides this, and it is clear that the new study will increase the risk of heart disease It is getting.

Depression as hard on the heart as obesity and cholesterol - Science Bulletin

German Research Center Helmholtz AssociationAnd Munich Technical University,German Center for Cardiovascular Disease(DZHK) researchers are scientific journals on atherosclerosisAtherosclerosisWe published the research results that "depression increases the risk of heart disease as much as high cholesterol level and obesity" on above. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), now 350 million people are diagnosed with depression worldwide, and depression can affect not only the heart but also other parts of the human body It is obvious.

"There is no doubt that depression is a risk factor for heart disease," said Karl Heinz-Radwigg, professor of psychosomatic medicine at the Technical University of Munich, working on epidemiological research at the German Research Center Helmholtz Institute Mr. "What matters is the relationship between depression and other risk factors such as" smoking "," high cholesterol level "," obesity "," hypertension ", and what role each factor has I am studying how depression and other risk factors cause heart diseases, as I say.

ByJames Palinsad

Mr. Ladwigg and the research team analyzed the data of 3428 male patients between the ages of 45 and 74 and recorded the progression of symptoms of each patient in a 10-year span. This study compares and examines how depression and the other four risk factors have on heart disease.

According to Mr. Ladwig, "Our survey revealed that the risk of cardiovascular disease due to depression was about the same as high cholesterol and obesity," said Ladwig, adding that only high blood pressure and smoking It is also clear that there will be some relationship among the risk factors of heart disease. It was also found that about 15% of the subjects were depressed and died of cardiovascular disease.

ByJoshua Smith

From this result, "Depression has the risk of causing heart disease as much as other risk factors such as high cholesterol level, obesity, smoking," he said. In addition, the probability that depression causes death from cardiovascular disease is about 8.4 to 21.4%.

The results of this survey revealed that depression has moderate influence compared to the major non-congenital heart disease risk factors.

in Science, Posted by logu_ii