AREKORE to know about automatic driving cars

ByBecky Stern

A new company born from Google's automatic driving car project "Waymo"But,ChryslerAutomatic operation system jointly developed withAnnouncementDid. It is an automatic driving technology that evolves one after another, but Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital, has summarized Alecola that you should know about this.

Let's Talk About Self-Driving Cars - The Startup - Medium

◆ 6 levels of automatic operation
There are six levels from level 0 to level 5 in the category of automatic operation set by the American Association of Automotive Engineers. Broadly speaking, it is necessary for the driver to grasp the steering wheel from level 0 to level 3 to monitor and operate the state of operation, and level 4 to level 5 are not necessary.

Level 0: Driver only
A system in which a driver simply operates all the main control system of a car.

Level 1: With assist function
Most popular in modern drive systems, systems with assist functions such as automatic braking and cruise control.

Level 2: partial automatic operation
Though the driver always needs to monitor and operate the driving situation, the system can automatically perform "specific operation" and "operation under specific conditions". Automatic driving on the highway of the car also corresponds to this level.

Level 3: Conditional automatic operation
The driver does not have to monitor the driving situation of the car at all times. However, it is necessary to always sit at the designated position where you can drive immediately. Level 3 "It is not necessary to keep hands on the steering wheel, but it is necessary to operate immediately in case of emergency."

Level 4: Advanced automatic operation
A system that can automatically perform some traveling and specific operations without driver's operation.

Level 5: Fully automatic operation
It is the ultimate ideal type in automatic operation and refers to a system that allows the system to clear every situation automatically by operation. In the case of level 5, the driver does not need to operate so it is OK even if it is no longer there.

◆ Technology used in automatic driving technology
What kind of hardware is required to realize the level 5 of the automatic driving car in existing cars? Google's automatic driving carLIDARThe remote sensing technology using light called light is adopted, and the pulse laser is used to measure the distance to the object existing in the surrounding environment.

In Waymo's LIDAR system announced in January 2017, the cost of hardware is only 7,500 dollars (about 870,000 yen), which is reduced by 90% compared with the cost of the conventional system And that.

◆ New type map
There are several map services of excellent accuracy such as Google map, Waze, Apple's map application, etc. However, in order for the automatic driving car to travel on the public road completely completely, the data provided by these map services lack information I can not help but say. What kind of information is insufficient in the existing map service is "Where is the curve?" "WhereTraffic barrelIs it the information that is necessary when actually running on a public road such as "When the light is dazzling at the timing of one day and the camera becomes completely invisible"? Therefore, we should consider the existing map service and the map for the automatic driving car completely separately.

◆ Will the signal go out if the automatic driving car spreads
If a complete automatic driving car can exchange information between cars, there is no reason not to lose the signal. A public road without a signal may seem chaotic, but it seems that cars can run without accidents like Internet packets.

This may require more than the technology currently required, but "If you do, you can improve the efficiency of the traffic".

◆ How much traffic accidents will be reduced
If all cars switch to automatic driving cars, the incidence of traffic accidents is considered to be almost zero. This is because 24 of 25 causes of traffic accidents are caused by human error. The cause of the accident varies in various ways, such as overspeeding speed, arousal driving, drunk driving, signal ignoring, but if perfect automatic driving cars are completed, these accidents will be unrelated.

However, there is a possibility that accidents that can not be thought of in modern cars due to the appearance of automatic driving cars may occur.

◆ Is it prohibited by law that people drive a car
If the data that automated driving cars do not cause accidents more than human drivers gather, it may be that human drivers should not run on public roads. However, there are many people who make drive a hobby. However, considering only the safety aspect, the future where such human drivers are completely unnecessary may come.

◆ When and at what speed automatic driving cars will spread
There are multiple forecasts, but the view that automated driving cars will become popular from 2020 to 2040 has become stronger.

in Vehicle, Posted by logu_ii