The discrimination that has become embossed by wearing a video camera on a guide dog "Not visible"

A guide dog that helps visually impaired people's eyes is an indispensable partner for blind people. However, in actual society, it seems that there are many actions that can be taken as indifference and discrimination against guide dogs and blind people. The BBC posts articles to document the problem by documenting the actual condition of inconvenience the guide dog and the visually impaired face with the camera.

The guide dog that spies on people who ignore its owner - BBC News

Amit Patel, who lives in London, England, came across the misfortune of losing sight in 2012, only 18 months after her marriage. Deformation of the corneaKeratoconusPatch had to accept the choice of losing sight because neither of those who had 6 cases of corneal transplant surgery fitted well with each other.

Mr. Patel who lost his eyes sent a living life for half a year and sometimes he was unable to know humanity and was in tears. Mr. Patel welcomed the guide dog "Kika" to support such a changed life.

Two people who are acting in tandem with each other since they came to live with Kika, but Mr. Patel said that they noticed that people going to the town were not conscious at all for guide dogs and visually impaired people Says. Many times passengers' bags often get hit by Kika, knowing or not knowing that at some point they are detained by an unknown woman, and they are being held apologized for being informed that they are annoying the surrounding people It was said that there were times when it became.

Mr. Patel, who was shocked by such an event, recorded what kind of reactions the people going to and from the city showed to the guide dog and Patel in order to clarify the problem, and with his wife Cima I decided to confirm to. What we are using for recording is GoPro's cube type camera "GoPro Session".

One day, Patel and Kika, who were walking around London station, encountered a group of tourists who were visiting the palace. Mr. Patel and Kika who were obstructing the way that I always pass have become unable to proceed any further and I am standing in that place. There are a group of tourists in the camera and a railroad company that guides nearbyNetwork railThe staff of the staff are included.

If you see Mr. Patel with a guide dog, you can see that it is a person with vision disorder at first sight, even the attending staff did not try to tell Patel. Mr. Patel who boiled the business said, "Do you have a staff member?" So, finally, Mr. Patel said to the attendant, "What have you done?" Mr. Patel said, "We have been waiting for five minutes, but you were speaking," an employee who did not give consciousness to the person in need I will tell you the complaint.

In response to Mr. Patel's complaint, the clerk answered "I am sorry, but you did not see your figure", but the video seems to have seen a lot of staff looking at Mr. Patel and Kika better It was said that it was. Mr. Patel who confirmed the situation later reveals his anger as "It is a fact that he tried to deceive me" in favor of not being able to see his / her eyes. In particular, for blind Patel, the time to standing without anyone's help should be felt longer than it actually is.

The network rail to which the complaint was requested said that he needed a reliable proof of the event, he replied to an invisible Patel. So far it seems to be said that within the normal range, Patel suggested a picture taken with GoPro and said, "This is what happened to me and this should be resolved" That's right.

After that, the network rail public announcement "This series of events and the associated confusion are not events occurred by or in the London station, but the facility called the station can be crowded so hard to pass at times Therefore, we hire additional staff to guide passengers, "commented that they responded that they will instruct the staff after conducting the survey.

Mr. Patel says, "One of the things I discovered by losing my vision is how to be lonely. When traveling in public transportation, I feel like a boy who is crouching in horror at the corner of the room I can not even listen to music because I can not miss listening to the danger of standing around and the guide of the station, "he says about the problem faced by visually handicapped people.

Besides one case at the station, Mr. Patel also noticed the fact that he was refused to take a taxi driver and did not get the seat by train. We are crying for the existence of "discrimination against the visually impaired" that we first realized after losing sight.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log