"F1 Instances" that FPGAs can use in AWS & "Elastic GPUs" that can add GPU function to all instances

Amazon's event held in Las Vegas "AWS re: Invent 2016In "FPGA available"F1 Instances"You can add a GPU to an existing instance"EC2 Elastic GPUsWe announced.

Developer Preview - EC2 Instances (F1) with Programmable Hardware | Amazon Web Services Blog

Ongoing - Amazon EC2 Elastic GPUs | Amazon Web Services Blog

◆ F1 Instances
Microsoft's AzureFollowing the introduction of F1 Instances, AWS will also be able to use FPGAs. At the moment, F1 Instances is a developer preview version.

The specifications of the available FPGAs are as follows.

As for F1 Instances, a special tool "F1 Hardware Development Kit" including a preset I / O interface and sample application for hosts to FPGA, FPGA to memory, FPGA to FPGA, and other communication methods was provided I will.

Also, developers will be able to package FPGA images and sell them on the AWS Marketplace. AWS says, "Designing the logic of FPGA, simulating and verifying it using cloud-based tools, it can be put into the market in a few days," and a business model similar to software will be supported .

Amazon EC2 F1 Instances

◆ EC2 Elastic GPUs
Although G2 instance and P2 instance were prepared as methods to use GPU so far, the number of GPUs was decided according to the instance size in either case. But EC2 Elastic GPUs will be able to add GPU functionality to all existing instance types.

In EC2 Elastic GPUs, you can specify the use of Elastic GPU by selecting EC2 instance type and size suitable for the application. Four patterns of 1 GB to 8 GB are prepared as GPU memory that can be added.

Also, the OpenGL library will automatically detect the addition of Elastic GPU and will be activated. OpenGL will start with Windows support, then will add support for Amazon Linux AMI and other versions of OpenGL. By the way, support for other 3D API such as DirectX and Vulkan is also under consideration, and if you are interested, please let me know.

Elastic GPUs - Amazon Web Services

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log