Twitter ranked "reply" to tweets, etc. "Twitter conversation" specification changed

"Twitter conversation happens at any time and everything starts with only one reply to the tweet," so that Twitter makes the conversation more convenient, the contents of the reply and the relevance Announced that it will change the specification so that high content of the first is displayed and display the number of reply.

About Twitter Conversation | Twitter Help Center

One of the newly implemented functions is "conversation priority". When Twitter opens one tweet, the reply is displayed under it. Up to now, the reply display was in chronological order, but with the new function "The reply of the creator of the original tweet and the reply of the following account is raising the priority" It does not necessarily appear in chronological order. By doing this, content that is talked about and contents highly relevant to you are displayed first, and you can quickly catch up with the topic.

Also, although it was not possible to confirm "reply number" on the timeline so far, like the total number of good and retweets in the future, the number of people participating in the conversation can be checked by reply count I will. Note that this is not the total number of replies in the whole conversation, but only those that were directly returned to the original tweet. Displaying the number of reply, together with the number of retweets and no goods, is likely to be a measure of how much that post is topic.

in Web Application, Posted by darkhorse_log