Consumer Product Safety Committee (CPSC) that checks safety centered on home appliances to recall issuance issues

In the United States, in order to protect the health and safety of consumers, it is necessary to monitor the safety of products on the market and in some cases recall the authority under the direct control of the President "US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)"Has been established. It is feared that the CPSC may not function properly due to ever-increasing electronic equipment troubles.

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CPSC is a government agency established based on the Consumer Product Safety Act, mainly for home appliances, citizen's use in daily life such as crib, lawn mowers, electric tools, office chairs, etc. We have a role to monitor the safety of products. CPSC has the authority to request the manufacturer to recall and recently even the Chinese electric hover board and Samsung smartphone " Galaxy Note 7 ", it is deciding that there is a danger of igniting or exploding during use, we are taking a recall measure.

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567 staff members are working in the CPSC that is constantly confirming the safety of everyday items around the consumer. The authority of CPSC also keeps food safetyThe US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)It is quite small compared with the present situation. Whereas the FDA is authorized not to approve marketing on the market until food safety can be confirmed, CPSC only has to check back after marketing products that are on the market to the last. In addition, the fact that the product itself is safe itself is largely responsible for the checks of the manufacturers when looking at baby products requiring periodic testing, CPSC has a structure that receives reports from manufacturers and consumers It is said that it is.

At the CPSC laboratory, the safety of products identified as dangerous is being tested by a team of experts. Currently, the most surveyed are problems with lithium-ion batteries. Not only smartphones and notebook PCs but also troubles of heat generation and ignition due to widely used lithium ion batteries are increasing rapidly with the increase of products using lithium ion batteries, the investigation resources of CPSC are divided into lithium ion batteries It seems to be. For example, Galaxy Note 7 is still checking the safety, and the content of the progressive study is not revealed.

The CPSC budget is also limited and the FDA is allocated a huge budget of $ 5 billion a year (about 560 billion yen), while CPSC's budget is $ 125 million (about 14 billion Yen) and that. The budget of FDA's previous year's budget for fiscal year 2016 CPSC is working on the budget below the incremental amount, for example, it is checked by an Internet surveillance team where less than 10 people are recalled products are not sold online It is said that the size of the budget is smaller than the number of the target to be monitored, and it is said that it is in a state of chronic fiscal shortage.

Donald Trumpe's next president said that it is a policy to further cut CPSC's budget and there is an expectation that it will step down relegation of Elliott Kay who is currently the top CPSC. Mr. Trump 's presidential election is even undertaken by the CPSC, and there is concern that the budget shortage situation of CPSC will deteriorate further.

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log