Matsuya "rice daikon radish set meal" which rice advances with Hokuhoku radish boiled in soy sauce sauce Review

Matsuya now fried domestic Japanese radish, pork belly and garlic sprouts on iron plate, rich flavors of bonito soup Matsuya special sauce made sagaru menu "Pork belly set radish mealWe started offering from November 8, 2016 (Tuesday). I went to eat what kind of taste it is finished as it is easy to eat the radish of Hokuhoku which is perfect for the chilling period.

Pork rose radish meal newly released! | Matsuya Foods

I came to Matsuya.

Order "Pork rose radish set meal" (630 yen including tax) and "Pork rose radish W set meal" (930 yen including tax). Rice is served free of charge at no charge until November 15 (Tuesday) which is one week from the release date. Because somehow Rice special sheng was free, changed the W set meal to special taste rice.

Pork belly set meal set this way ......

Pork rose radish W set meal is confirmed to be properly double size.

Looking side by side with side dishes is like this. W set meal will cost 300 yen up, but the volume corresponding to the price is added.

Takamori rice is huge enough to tremble the hand holding a bowl and you can eat white rice to your heart 's content.

The main pork rose radish contains plenty of sliced ​​radish and it is buried in radish and lots of pig roses are lurking.

When I tried eating from radish, I thought that "I thought that the core remains" because it was frying with iron plate, but the fire has passed through the inside well and the texture of Hokuhoku. Chopsticks with radish are buried so that when you eat, sweet moisture from radish comes out and it gets cooked with soy sauce sage.

Matsuya special sauce is a bonito sprout and soy sauce are effective, the level that rice does not stop only with radish that sauce sauce.

Sliced ​​pork roses have a lot of fat, but the sauce often smears.

When all the ingredients are eaten together, the sweetness of the fat of pork roses is added, and the sauce turns into a taste like something like taste. Buds of garlic are baked to the extent that a sharp texture remains.

W Side dishes are quite large, so I tried putting a shrimp to change the taste.

When trying out, the compatibility is outstanding, and the delicious "spicy" which did not exist in the pig rose radish was added, and the rice came to go further.

In addition, the energy of pork rose settle meal is 876 kcal of rice, miso soup and salad together, 1281 kcal if it is W set meal.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log