Mix horse meat in beef · Continue fighting to find food impersonation such as mixing pulp material in Parmesan cheese "Food detectives"


Food disguises that are frequently talked about in Japan are developed to an industry of about 1 billion dollars (about 100 billion yen) in the United States. Mixing horsemeat with Bolognese of beef, mixing pulpwood with Parmesan cheese, and for those who carry out disguised food with that hand, Northern Ireland'sQueen's University BelfastThe researcher group called himself a "food detective" and is fighting against food disguising day and night.

These Detectives Fight Food Fraud - YouTube

Horse meat is mixed in IKEA's meatballAs we have been talking about, food disguises are becoming a problem everywhere in the world including Japan.

"50% of the frozen foods people eat, horse meat is used instead of beef," said Professor Chris Eliot, who is conducting research on food safety at Queens University Belfast.

What confuses you, a research team led by Professor Elliott who revealed scandals of food disguised using horse meat.

For commercially available foods, you can see information on production areas, raw materials, expiration date, best-before date, etc. by looking at the label. "Food disguised" refers to camouflaging information on this label, and Professor Eliot and his research team are investigating whether the information on the label is really correct.

"We think of ourselves as" food detectives, "Professor Elliott said.

In fact, how much food disguising is actually done, it seems that 25% of the oregano sold in the USA is a type of food disguise.

In addition, it is said that some of Parmesan cheese is mixed with pulp material.

And although details are not revealed, it seems that fearsome food disguising is done even in coconut.

Whether food disguising is done or not is derived at Elliott 's research institute.

"The laboratory is called" Star Trek, "because we are constantly working on a secret mission while being surrounded by the latest equipment," Elliott said.

Professor Elliott asked whether there are particular favorite equipment among such laboratories mentioned the device called "RAMES".

RAMES seems to create a molecular structure map of food, so if you use it, you can tell if information on food is camouflaged or not.

Professor Elliott said, "Our laboratory in Belfast gets the highest ranking in detecting food impersonation.It's like a roundtrip to protect the safety of the world's food supply system It is a very important job, if there is a chance, I will not choose another career, "he said, revealing that he is proud of his own work.

in Video,   Food, Posted by logu_ii