Yahoo found out that the content of the mail was scanned without permission

ByComplete Merchandise

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Sell ​​the net division to a major telecommunications company · Verizon for over 500 billion yenIt is reported that it is reported that the poor performance is widely known in the United StatesYahooAccepted the request from the government agency of the United States, it turned out that it was scanning mail of the user using Yahoo mail.

Exclusive: Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence - sources | Reuters

Yahoo helped US spies scan all its emails in real time for a single phrase - The Verge

Journalist'sJoseph MenAccording to information obtained from three former Yahoo employees and the circumstances of the four people, Yahoo was asked to build a system that scans all accounts of Yahoo mail from government agencies in 2015 and requests that request He said that he accepted it.

This government agency asked "Confirm whether a certain phrase is included in the mail". Although it has been done in real time to check received emails of certain accounts and movements of several accounts, it is the first time that it is clear that all mails have been scanned.

The request was accepted by the decision of Marissa Mayer CEO. The stakeholders testified that Alex Stamos, who was the chief security officer, went to Facebook because of this decision.

I am very happy to announce that I will be joining Facebook as their Chief Security Officer next Monday. The Internet ...

Alex StamosPosted byJune 24, 2015

According to Mr. Men, what Yahoo is doing is whether the government agency is the National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or another institution, what kind of "certain phrase" he was investigating Details such as the degree of data passed and whether government agencies are trying to contact other service providers are unknown.

Yahoo who received an inquiry from Reuters regarding this matter said that "we are a company that keeps the law and obey American law".

By the way, Google that received the same inquiries commented, "I have never received such a request, and even if I received it, I decline to say" outrageous. " Microsoft declined comment on whether or not it received a request, but as for the presence or absence of scanning, "I have never engaged in an act that scans mail secretly as reported for Yahoo," Denied.

· Additional notes October 7, 2016 11: 10
The government agency that requested the scan of Reuters for e-mails is said to be a secret federal court, the New York Times said Yahoo's scanning system scans a specific "signature" to search for child pornography and spam I report it. Both of them said that scanning of e-mails was terminated, but I do not yet know the timing and duration of the scan of e-mails.

As Yahoo found the construction of a mail scanning system at the request of government agencies, Ars TechnicaPRISM"The digital surveillance plan of the United States that follows is exposed," it points out. Although it is unclear what kind of metadata was scanned from Yahoo mail, such as the contents of the header and the message, many experts including Mr. Edward Snowden who exposed NSA's PRISM problem said " I was expecting that it was being scanned. "

If a system that scans the contents of mail is operated, the government agencies in the United States can record the incoming / outgoing call history, the telephone number of the caller / caller / the calling card number, the call time, the call date / timeIMSIIt has been reported that there is a possibility that a fearful monitoring system that infringes privacy over a wider range than PRISM is being operated, such as a program that collects telephone metadata such as numbers is being developed It is.

Welcome to the machine - Yahoo mail scanning exposes another US spy tool | Ars Technica

in Security, Posted by logc_nt