I tried eating "Let's eat Kuen supervised heavenly taste superb taste" which imaged "Kotori" by Tencha Ichiba in Lawson

About 4 years of trial and error I was born and over 40 years have been loved by the best of TenchuLotus soupI imagined "Kuen Kuen supervised by Tenka Nakajima Rich taste"Has appeared in Lawson since 27th September 2016 (Tuesday). What kind of finish is it? So, actually I bought it and tried it.

Kuen Kuen supervised heavenly taste | Lawson

That's why I bought Kuen Tenkaichi supervised heavy rice taste.

Pictures of ramen are listed in the package along with the familiar logo of Tenkaichi.

Looking at the back side, October 1 is "Takene Pinpin no Sun", it seems to be a sale according to this. "The Korori" of the Tenka is a soup made from founder Mr. Yoshimi Kimura over about 4 years, made from chicken breasts and ten kinds of vegetables, etc. Although it tastes as it is, it has a refreshing aftertaste I will.

When opening the package, there are five kudzu kuangs inside.

It looks like almost the same as Kaoru from the original, but the fragrance of garlic is mixed in the fragrance peculiar to deep fried.

When I tried to eat while drawn a heavy rich soup of heavenly dish on my head, the first mouth was a crisp finish like a little shoulder watermark. The person who ate without knowing what taste was commented "After the first mouth", "Kuge of Kuen ...... original?", But when continuing to eat mushrooms, condensed vegetables like boiled down soup of the crowd The taste of chicken spreads in the mouth. Garlic is effective, but "Kuara Dragon Quest Whi Mi tasteIt is weaker than the fragrance and impact, seems to be balancing the overall taste to reproduce the rich soup.

As you can see on the official page "Feeling" the soup of Tencha Ichijo, I feel a little unsatisfactory for those who are looking for a rich and sophisticated soup of richness? Although it seems to be said that it is slightly superior to the snacks of Oyatsu and liquor when hungry is empty, Kuen from Kagaru with a slightly superior item "Korari". In addition, the price is 216 yen including tax.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log