"Flybrix" that you can assemble your own drones using the Lego block

Without using tools such as soldering iron, kit which can assemble drone using Lego block and motor is "Flybrix"is. It takes only 15 minutes to assemble and it is very easy. Because it is made of Lego block, even if the drones are damaged in the event of damage, you can revive if you reassemble the blocks.

Flybrix | Flybrix Kits Make Your Own Rebuildable Drones using LEGO® bricks

It was Long Brothers who made Flybrix. You can see how it was created by looking at the following images.

See Flybrix in action and meet The Wrong Brothers - YouTube

Two persons who appeared in the garage

They are "long brothers".

It seems there was a longing from childhood to the sky ... ...

I made my own toys that fly in the sky.

Some things like a drone with legs on the fan.

Soon it was the motor and ...

Lego block combination.

Flybrix is ​​born.

Fix the motor to the block with round hole at the end, attach the propeller ......

Set the necessary board for flight.

Sometimes it did not fly well ... ...

Eventually, successful in flight.

Even if you hit the wall and fall apart ......

If you connect the blocks you will soon be revived.

Also such a dressed dress.

You can also make 2 connected drone easily.

An example of Drone has also been released.

Flybrix showcase - YouTube

This is a drone with 6 orthodox motors.

"Dream, make and fly"

This is a drone with the upward propeller and the downward propeller arranged above and below.

"A lot of drone can be made with one kit"

For example, a drone like a merger with Pteranodon ......

Drone with a tire likely to run

Dragon style drone etc.

"Potential is unlimited"

Bicomponent machineA somewhat strange shape drone like

"I can test the design of 4, 6, 8 motors"

This is an example with six motors

In the form like this, when equipped with eight.

"Let's skip your creativity."

As Flybrix comes with a programmed board from the beginning, it is possible to fly drone by assembling the parts and simply connecting the board.

"Basic Flybrix Kit"Is a set of minimal Lego blocks that can make drones and 8 motors & propellers, boards, batteries, operating applications for smartphones, and so on, and is $ 149 (about 15,000 yen).

"Deluxe Flybrix Kit"A propo (transmitter for radio control) was added for $ 189 (about 19,000 yen).

The Lego Block can be used even if you use it at hand, so there is no limit to the shape of the drone, it can be made to your favorite shape by the person. Before purchasing it is necessary for the shipping fee to be 48.85 dollars (about 4900 yen) to 78.93 dollars (about 7900 yen).

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logc_nt