Hovercraft at DIY

It is a flying ride that feels like a futuristic feeling somehow, but it seems that it was already time to make it with DIY.

Details are as below.
UH - 18 SPW Hoverwing: Universal Hovercraft, The World Leader in Hovercraft Technology

It seems that a full set kit can be bought for $ 5,200 (about 600,000 yen). It costs $ 20,940 (about 2.5 million yen) when equipped with an engine. The maximum speed is 120 km with 2 to 3 passengers. Because it is a hover, I can run on the water, I can fly in the air, so it seems that the highest altitude is 10 feet (about 3 meters).

The actual moving picture is below. High-quality version can be seen from the above official website.

YouTube - universal hovercraft

People who want to make hovercraft more freely without paying too much money seems to be able to do if there are four CPU fans because it is not necessary to have such a large amount.

Zedomax DIY - DIY 112 - Zedomax DIY - Zedomax Hovercraft version 2 - Asteroid!

As expected, people can not ride. It may become possible to ride if you attach a lot of fans.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log