It is not lubricant that leads the team to success, but high testosterone and low cortisol
In families, schools, companies, etc., there are many opportunities to do group work that one person does not work but one person plays a different role and groups work toward one goal . One experiment was conducted to derive the answer as to what people are required to bring together people with different personality and skills to advance the project toward one direction and lead to success.
Collective hormonal profiles predict group performance
Most effective teams have high testosterone and low cortisol | Ars Technica
A research team formed by psychologists at Columbia University, University of Toronto, Oregon University gather saliva from 370 students studying for MBA, divide the students into groups of 3 to 6 people We conducted an experiment to have tasks related to decision making carried out. The task is to manage fictitious laboratories over seven days to increase revenue as much as possible, each group creates a management scheme to increase revenue, but to increase revenue, members of the group It is essential that we mutually help each other.
ByKozminski University
The research team found that the performance for each group's management tasks wastestosterone(It is a type of male hormone that controls muscle augmentation and skeletal development)Cortisol(It increases as the stress load increases with steroid hormone released from the adrenal cortex and exerts various effects on the immune system, the central nervous system, the metabolic system, etc. and when it is secreted excessively over a long periodShrink the hippocampus that controls memory) We estimate beforehand that it differs depending on the amount of hormone secretion, and analyzing the saliva taken before the experiment and comparing it with the degree of accomplishment of task of each group, the team who performed well in the experiment gave the average secretion of testosterone It was found that there is a tendency that the amount is large and the average secretion amount of cortisol is small.
The studies done so far have shown that the amount of hormone secretion affects individual performance, but it is the first time that the same thing proved to be possible even in group work. The research team says, "If the amount of secretion of testosterone is high and the amount of secretion of cortisol is small, it is easy for members of the group to trust each other and it is possible to make efficient decision making as a result Is not it? "Is considered.
However, Ars Technica, an IT-related media, will examine the effects of adding testosterone in the amount of secretion or markedly low amount of cortisol secretion to the group, and how it will affect task results, We need to do a multifaceted experiment such as investigating how the hormone will affect cooperativity within the group.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log