"Google Chrome 53" stable release enhanced Flash removal movement
The Windows, Mac, and Linux versions of the latest stable version of the web browser "Google Chrome" version "53.0.2785.89" have been released. Changes have been made mainly for developers, but it has been said beforeFlash exclusion movementIs moving forward, and Flash running in the background for web page analysis etc. is blocked and HTML 5 is now being used.
Chrome Releases: Stable Channel Update for Desktop
Functions for newly installed developers are explained in the following movie.
Chrome 53: Shadow DOM v1, Payment Request API and more - YouTube
Google Chrome 53 first supports Shadow DOM V1. Shadow DOM V1 is useful when creating large-scale code based on HTML · CSS · JavaScript.
Also, PaymentRequest API which can be used for payment on the web ... ...
GENERIC ATTRIBUTE PROFILE (GATT)We also support the new Web Bluetooth API that allows web services and devices to communicate with just a browser using a browser. Android 6.0 Marshmallow If you have a terminal with OS afterwards, an animal-like icon appears instead of the Chrome logo in the upper left of the screen.
The movements of Flash exclusion previously mentioned have been strengthened, Google Chrome 53 has blocked Flash running in the background, and HTML 5 is now being used.
Google Chrome's "Flash exclusion" moves further progress - GIGAZINE
In addition, Google Chrome Blog announced that it integrated Chrome with the connection function to Chromecast which was provided as extension "Google Cast" on August 29, 2016. Chromecast is a device that makes it possible to watch movies on smart phones, tablets, personal computers and other devices via the same Wi-Fi, and so far it is necessary to install a dedicated extension function. However, with this integration, Chromecast can be connected without installation.
Google Chrome Blog
In addition, in Google Chrome 53, 33 vulnerabilities including 13 "High", 6 "Medium" and 1 "Low" have been fixed, up to $ 7500 (about 770,000 yen) as a reward It is a pattern that was paid.
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in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log