"PokeMatch" which can find people seeking to meet in the vicinity through Pokemon GO

ByNicola Ochsenbein

An application that matches a person who is a Pokemon GO player who is looking for a person or who is looking for a friendPokeMatch"is. It has become a big topic because it has already successfully matched 10,000 in the 4th since the application launch.

PokeMatch - Find your Brock or Misty nearby. We match you with local trainers!

You can check how to use PokeMatch from the following movie.

With Poke-Match You Can Find Your Possible Soulmate - YouTube

Team Valor (Team Valley) "" Team Instinct (Team Instinct) "" Team Mystic (Team Mystic) "" Any Team (Any team OK) "along with the question" Are you sure you want to meet? The choices are displayed. Choosing a team ......

The users belonging to the selected team were displayed. In the movie, it seems that there was a woman named Rachel of 17 years old within 1 km of the user.

Swipe the screen to the right to "Catch!", Swipe to the left will be "Run away (escape)". And when the person who did "Catch!" Also selects "Catch!" For himself, a notification comes and the two parties can exchange messages.

My information, name, age and ... ...

It seems that you can register yourself with up to 25 letters.

For people I'd like to meet, I can now choose the category "interested in men" "I am interested in women" "I am interested in both men and women" "I am interested in others" "Only looking for friends" It is.

In fact, some women who met people through PokeMatch were talking about "one of my favorite applications". According to the developers, it seems that 10,000 matches have already been done in 4 days from the launch of the application.

People with the same hobbies could meet and cooperate to be able to catch Pokemon, so the woman who actually encountered said "It was a very encouraging encounter".

There are two types of applications, iOS version and Android version, which can be downloaded from the following.

PokeMatch - meet new trainers on the App Store

Find PokeMatch - PokeDates! - Android application on Google Play

in Software,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log