The team leader's details of "Pokemon GO" finally announced, and future announcements that new Pokemon may be added

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Delivery began in Japan, and it was decided to create a scene that gets Pokemon at the street corner of Japan "Pokemon GO(Pokémon GO) ", details of" team leader "which had not been clarified so far was finally announced. Moreover, interesting contents such as new Pokemon being added one after another by seeing the time, and the role of PoketStop will change will also be announced.

Pokémon Go will eventually add new pokémon and customizable pokéstops - The Verge

Celebration such as comic content to be held in San Diego, USA from July 21 to July 24, 2016 local time "San Diego Comic-Con International 2016In a talk session held at the venue of "Komikon", Niantic (CEO of John Hanche) said, "In addition to the first generation (Pokemon)There are kinds that will appear in the future. We are thinking about how to make it appear in the coming months or years, "he said, predicting the development of a new kind of Pokemon, similar to the original development I will clarify what to make.

And what was announced at the surprise was details of each team leader which had only been released silhouette so far. Like the tweets below, Team Varler is Candrela, Team Mystic is Blanche, Team Instinct is Spark as each team leader.

In Japan, it became as follows, Team Varler: Candela, Team Mystic: Blanche, Team Instrument: Sparks.

Besides this, Mr. Hanke also talks about changing the role of Pocket Stop. Current Pocket Stop is a place for getting items etc. and setting a lure and getting Pokemon, but it is possible for users to be able to change the function of Pocket Stop, for example in the original "Pocket Monsters" It shows the possibility of how to use such as "Pokemon Center" which was able to recover, trade, deposit Pokemon and so on.

in Mobile,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log