Traffic Accident Occurred Successively in Autopilot Mode of Tesla Model X

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In May 2016An accident occurred in which a driver who used Tesla Model S's autopilot mode diedHowever, following this,Model XHowever, there are reports of traffic accidents that occurred using the autopilot mode.

The first case occurred on July 1, 2016. Albert Scaryione (77) 's driving model X is the Pennsylvania · TurnpikeBedford County, PennsylvaniaWhile running around, I collided with the median strip and rolled over. My son, who was sitting with Scarione, was safe.

In this accident the antenna broke when Model X rolled over. Dennis Bukovic of Pennsylvania State Police Department testified that Mr. Scarione was "using autopilot mode", but in Tesla it seems like it would be possible to see if the autopilot was running during running The log data is not received.

Tesla car, new accident in automatic driving mode or survey picture by US authorities 1 international news: AFPBB News

Tesla Driver Cited in Pennsylvania Crash Amid Autopilot Probes - Bloomberg

The second occurred in Montana State on the evening of July 9th. This was discovered by a user named Eresan posting with a picture saying "Friend's model X was accidentally autopiloted" in a forum called "Tester / Motors Club."

My friend model X crash bad on AP yesterday | Tesla Motors Club

According to Mr. Eresan, a friend of Mr. Eresan got on Model X on the night of the 9th, the autopilot did not detect the wooden support pillar that was in the road, collided with 20 or more pillars . The two were safe, but the car was greatly damaged. The limit speed of this road was 55 miles / hour (about 88 km), but the autopilot was traveling at 60 miles / hour (about 97 km).

Pictures that are thought to have been taken immediately after the accident

Large damage on the right front side

It seems like this was taken after the sun rose. Traces like colliding with the base of the door.

The right front tire seems to have come off

The rear door is also dented

The place where the accident occurred around this place, mobile phones are not connected in the neighborhood, and it is said that it was 100 miles (about 161 km) from the nearest hotel.

However, although I have testified that the driver was using the autopilot mode, Tesla says from the driving log "The autopilot mode is not used and the driver warns not to let go of the steering wheel As a result of ignoring, an accident happened, "announces a statement denying the involvement of autopilot mode.

Tesla says that driver did not use Autopilot properly in Model X accident in Montana [Full Statement] | Electrek

in Vehicle, Posted by logc_nt