How does the phenomenon of 'the feeling of the arm disappears' occur when you wake up?



Many people have experienced that when they woke up in the middle of the night, they accidentally fell asleep with their one arm as a pillow, so their arms were numb and they felt nothing at all. It seems that this mysterious feeling that 'the feeling of the arm is gone when waking up' is caused not only by pressing the arm while sleeping, but also by the state of sleep.

Ever wake up to a numb, dead arm?

According to Mayo Clinic neurologist James Dyke, waking up with numbness in your arms is 'very common.' Also, this phenomenon is also a wonderful example showing that the human body has a function to protect itself.

According to Mr. Dyke, the state of ``no feeling in the arm when waking up'' and the ``tingling pain'' felt when recovering are not ``bred from the nerves due to lack of blood flow''. According to Mr. Dyke, it is not caused by poor blood flow, but `` such a tingling pain occurs by crushing the nerve ''.

Humans have several nerves in their arms, each with a different function. For example, the axillary nerve controls the action of the deltoid muscle, and the extension of the upper arm is performed by this nerve. Also, it is the musculocutaneous nerve that controls the action of the biceps brachii muscle and the action of bending the elbow. The radial nerve is responsible for straightening the arm and raising the wrist and fingers. It is the ulnar nerve that governs the movement of spreading the fingers.

Regarding the relationship between paralysis and nerves, Dyke said, ``Physiologically, the exact cause of the phenomenon of ``losing arm sensation when waking up'' has not been clarified, but when you sleep, you can put your arms under your body. This is similar to squeezing a water hose, and the information flowing from the end of your hand to your brain is temporarily cut off, causing you to feel paralyzed. It is.'

It is said that there are two possibilities to think about why the arm becomes paralyzed when the nerve is compressed, one of which is 'actually, the arm is temporarily paralyzed'. During REM sleep, the brain sends signals throughout the body that cause paralysis. It seems that it is for If you wake up with pressure on the nerve of the arm during this REM sleep, it is not surprising that the paralysis remains in the arm, and this may be the identity of the paralysis of the arm.

By Peter & Joyce Grace

Another possible possibility is about the 'tingling pain' that you feel when the feeling in your arm returns after feeling paralysis in your arm. Compressing nerves leads to damage to nerves, so when nerves are compressed for a long time, humans wake up naturally to protect the body. At this time, the nerve may be making the arm feel a tingling pain in order to reduce the pressure on the nerve. The University of Rochester Medical Center said of the pain, ``Nerve structures tend to become more sensitive as they heal. shows the point of view .

in Science,   , Posted by logu_ii