A man breaks into a lion's cage to commit suicide

A situation occurred in Chile on Saturday, May 21, 2016, when a 20-year-old man broke into a lion's cage and attempted to commit suicide naked. A man broke into a cage in broad daylight and was attacked by a lion, a shocking sight that was witnessed by many tourists.
Santiago Zoo scene of suicide attempt after naked man jumps into lion cage | Daily Mail Online
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3602819/Naked-man-jumps-zoo-s-LION-enclosure-suicide-bid-survives-grave-condition-two-beasts-mauling-KILLED. html
The man entered the zoo by purchasing a ticket for the general public, climbed onto the fence of the lion's cage, and broke inside. When the man took off his clothes in the cage, he began to appeal to the lions, and the two lions immediately started trying to 'play' with the man.
The actual footage taken by tourists can be seen below.
Hombre se lanza a los leones en el parque metropólitano de santiago - YouTube
A man is breaking into the wall of the lion's cage.

It looks like he is playing with a lion.

After a while, the lion pushes the man down...

Two lions crowd around the man.

The man was seriously injured by two lions, a male and a female, but he was taken to a hospital and survived. On the other hand, when trying to stop the lions, live bullets were used based on the judgment that ``tranquilizer guns take time to take effect and cannot save the men's lives,'' and two of the lions were shot dead on the spot.
A man is attacked by two lions.

The zoo director said, ``We value human life, so the zoo has protocols in place to respond to appropriate situations.''

However, one eyewitness told the news site BioBioChile that the lion did not attack immediately after the man entered the cage, and the zoo's guards were slow to react. . 'After he entered the cage, the lions started trying to play with him and then attacked him.'The guards first sprayed the lions with water and then opened fire after evicting people. . Many people witnessed the scene, and there were scenes where parents covered their children's eyes.
A suicide note mentioning the Book of Revelation was found in the man's clothes, and the man was shouting things about Jesus Christ while being attacked by lions, suggesting that this case was a faith-based suicide. It is seen as such.
After being transported to the hospital and receiving treatment, the man has recovered, and although he suffered injuries to his head and pelvic area, the doctor in charge said that the injuries were not life-threatening.
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