"Tesla's automatic driving has reduced the percentage of accidents involved in accidents by 50%," Mr. Eilon Mr. tells about its benefits

ByNVIDIA Corporation

It is reported that Terra's CEO Eelon Mask who introduced the actually usable automatic driving function on the street with "Model S" said that accidents can be reduced by 50% by its own automatic driving technology.

Tesla's Autopilot lowers probability of having an accident by 50% based on early data, says Musk | Electrek

This statement was made by Mr. Mask who visited Norway and met with Minister of Transportation and Communications Olsen, and the companyAutomatic driving function that began offering in October 2015It was discovered by analyzing the initial data obtained from. What Mr. Mask actually said is as follows.

By turning on automatic operation, the possibility of getting into an accident is reduced by 50%. This is also this number in the first version (of software). Likewise, it is possible to grasp the number of kilometers where one accident occurs. An accident refers to an event such as an airbag deployment. Even in the initial software version, it is twice as safe as people drive.

Even with this early version, it's Even with this early version, it's Almost twice as good as a person.

Mr. Mask also said that for the fully automatic operation function scheduled to be the "second generation" of software, "If it is assumed that" automatic operation vs manual operation ", in terms of convincing regulators and the general public , It will be important to prove safety based on billions of kilometers of running data, "the importance of securing adequate safety to promote legislation I am talking about.

ByAutomobile Italia

Travel data acquired by Tesla by April 2016 is 75 million kilometers and it is still far from the data of billions of kilometers that actually runs, but at this moment the figures are steadily increasing It is increasing. Mr. Maskily professs to announce 2nd generation software capable of fully automatic operation within 2 years, but it is a matter of concern whether legal maintenance will be in time for this. However, Mr. Mask shows that the results of the initial data are popular, so it shows a positive view on the outlook.

Actually, the scene where the first generation software avoided the accident is posted on YouTube by the user. In the following movie, you can recognize the construction vehicle coming in from the left side and see how to avoid a collision by cutting off a sudden steering wheel. With this movie alone it can not be concluded that "Tesla's automatic driving software is excellent", but it seems that you can feel part of the ability comparable to or superior to humans.

Autopilot Saves Model S - YouTube

in Software,   Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log