How to warm up again deliciously while leaving the deliciousness of cooked meat

It is said that one of the secrets of deliciously cooking food is "to make a lot", but after all, many leaves left behind may come out after all. In such a case, I often warm up the dishes later and eat them, but especially meat is difficult to reheat. Even in such a case, a method to warm up meat without impairing the flavor and texture of meat is introduced.

How To Reheat Meat Without Ruining Everything - YouTube

A way to introduce that way is to visit the site on food "EaterYouTube video of. Mr. Solaress himself often eating meat introduces the chef's recommended way.

Appearance was,ChefStepsMr. Grant Clyley. We will reheat using a tool different from the reheating method so far.

It is difficult to warm up the rest of the huge rib steak. Heating with a frying pan is said to be delicious and warming meat ... ...

It takes time to warm up thick meat. In order to properly convey the heat to the meat to the center properly, it is necessary to have the same time as cooking, so the meat will be burned by the heat of the frying pan and the thing which was the exquisite baking finish surely turns into grilling .

So Crylee 's introducing this machine that entered the pot.

This is a machine that enables a technique called "vacuum cooking method". By putting foodstuff in a vinyl vacuum bag, putting it in hot water with the inside air removed, and managing the hot water temperature with a vacuum cooker, you can cook ingredients at the most optimum temperature.

The vacuum cooker has already been reviewed even at GIGAZINE. As in the following article, you can easily make delicious dishes easily.

I tried using the vacuum cooker "Anova Precision Cooker" that pushes the button and leaves it to finish the finest dish - GIGAZINE

Remove heated vacuum bag from hot water ......

Somehow on a frying pan.

And, we smile with a pan. By doing this, we finally add finishing like actually baked in a frying pan. In other words, by separating reheating and finishing separately, we will protect the flavor of the meat.

That is why meat was reheated in two ways. It took about 40 minutes for both to reheat.

First of all, try cutting the meat warmed in a frying pan ... ...

A fire passed through to the center of the meat, and it was completely burned.

"I do not feel like eating anymore, I will go back to the chef when I get this at a restaurant," Mr. Solarez dismissed without eating.

And those who vacuumed cooked ......

As it is, the lean is properly left. Even if it is said to be "freshly baked", it seems impossible to judge from the appearance.

When eating with pakuri ......

It looks surprised at taste. The freshly baked flavor is kept and it seems that you can eat without any problems at all.

The difference is clear from the comparison. You can see that the frying pan on the left and the color of the meat are different at the right vacuum cooking.

Next, I found that it was going to work well with rib steakBrisketBut I am trying.

When putting a knife, the lean body inside is still in good condition. I also understand how the meat juice flows.

When I try it ......

"It is warming properly" "It is still in perfect condition" and appearance of acclaim. Like this, the vacuum cooking method of heating ingredients with hot water seems to demonstrate outstanding power not only for cooking but also for warming up.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log