Headline news on March 15, 2016

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:29 Mar 15, 2016, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

"HUNTER × HUNTER" which continues to be closed from Weekly Shonen Jump 2014 year 39 issue,Finally serial series restart. Details will be revealed at No. 16 of 2016 released on Saturday, March 19th. In addition, "HUNTER × HUNTER" is a work that has repeatedly closed and resumed serialization so far, it is a topic every time it resumes, but how long will this series last?

Incidentally, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

Guide for easy creation of original PC even for beginners [Hardware Assembled Edition] - GIGAZINE

Guide for easy creation of original PC even for beginners 【Software installation】 - GIGAZINE

"Gundam Front Tokyo" where you can enjoy full-size Gundam and Strike Freedom was full of stuff until inside the toilet - GIGAZINE

I have handmade food samples of real prawn heaven and lettuce that seems to be actually eaten - GIGAZINE

"Matrix" and "Back to the Future" understandable in 60 seconds - GIGAZINE

Watch designed with natural wood and metal combined "Original Grain" - GIGAZINE

I suddenly broke the broken PC memory when I repaired it using CFD's "Lifetime Warranty" - GIGAZINE

Graph that Horiemon succeeds in reducing weight by minus 24.9 kg at the 235th day of prison - GIGAZINE

What kind of unit is "millisievertte" or "microsievert" and how dangerous is it from? Summary of radiation dose measurement units - GIGAZINE

What you would like to try when you can not go to bed so easily, how to sleep soundly Summary - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
What I understood after becoming "eternal 17 years old" "Hard". - Ryukyus Shimpo - Okinawa newspaper, regional news

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
All genetic information of Shiba Japan Miyazaki University etc. NHK News

In the group, we will clarify the work of each gene in the future, and in addition to developing cold-resistant Shiba, we are also planning to lead to the development of varieties resistant to heat and cold in the same wheat and rice grass as in Shiba. Professor Yoshihiro Akashi of the Faculty of Agriculture at Miyazaki University said, "Although it takes at least 5 years to repeat breeding to create new varieties, at least 3 years can be shortened by using research results, such as low temperature and high temperature resistance I want to be able to provide high-value plants to the market. "

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Toshiba, China · To aesthetically sell white goods appliances Accelerate reorganization in Asia: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

How to make "interesting" a business: Shigesato Itoi: Nikkei Business Online

Criminal charges to be trampled Compensation for perpetrators who do not pay 10 years as prescription: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Prime Minister "I will definitely realize zero waiting children" NHK News

Among them, the Communist Party Tomoko Tamura House of Councilor Upper House members, in connection with the blog who wrote anonymously the dissatisfaction that the child could not enter the nursery school, "It is a serious matter that I applied for a nursery but did not enter, It is spreading to and etc. "
On the other hand, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "I am determined to realize zero children waiting for a rest. There are various circumstances for people who applied for nursery school and could not be used, analyzed well, collaborated with the community, used We will strive to grasp the actual situation of the situation etc. The number of standby children varies from region to region, and we will consider the countermeasures in particular in cooperation with the area where the standby children concentrate. " Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also said, "We recognize that there is a problem of treatment as a factor in the shortage of nursery teachers, and we will show concrete and effective remedies for treatment in" Nippon 100 Million Total Success Plans "compiled this spring I would like to secure talented personnel, "he said.

NHK news to arrest college students on a preliminary announcement to Matsudo city office

According to the police, college students said that they were talking about "I was harassing a lawyer with a grudge on the Internet bulletin board", because the sender of mail to various places is the name of a real lawyer. College students were arrested last month because they stole an address display plate in a building in Tokyo / Minato Ward where the lawyer 's office was located, and the police will also investigate the relationship with e - mails sent to other municipalities It is.

Taiyo Co., Ltd.: Tokyo Shoko Research Inc.

Also, except for the closing of the business, 96.5% of the change was completed, but uncollected due to the change of about 200 million yen, uncollected and canceled voluntary waste and applied for bankruptcy due to the exhaustion of all measures.

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)

For PMS, refer to "How to alleviate some symptoms of "premenstrual syndrome (PMS)" Summary - GIGAZINEIt is summarized by saying that it is.

Even if I do it by myself, it is ticklish people with strong tendency towards schizophrenia: quest for mind and brain - an interesting study of psychology and neuroscience

How will our lives change with power liberalization? / Hatta Tatsuo × Takanori Sakaguchi × Ogigami Tiki | SYNODOS - Synodos -

Her True Stories | Wacoal - YouTube

"Gymnastics of the head" series Mr. Hikoki died NHK News

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Do you think that you understand JavaScript in manga | you Mr. Murata's challenge work - comico (comico) manga / vertical read! Read free! Free popular original comic strips

The computer road of Han (Otoko): What I would like to say as a Linux user to those who say "I want to leave my PC as Win 7 but forcibly make it Win 10! I do not want MS!

We also achieved 32 million downloads worldwide and a single month surplus. Marketing that the free marriage application "Mercari" talks, reason why I put "sold out things" in search results. | Application Marketing Institute

Is this time freezing @ Copy__writing this time? - Pettura communication

Publish the technique of utilizing "Web mapping" service which makes explosive development of map application! - paiza development diary

Kakuyom's smartphone application released - Kakuyomu Blog

The world losing if you touch - Hagex - day info

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Recruitment information: Keywords to interpret work 24 - 18 Making fonts not in the world

What I was conscious about designing fonts is the sports nature of "Splatoon" and playing with ink. Since sports have clarity and running feeling, I thought that thin fonts would not be suitable. Besides that, ink is an organic form, I designed each font at first with handwriting while imagining "being thick and organic".

It took about a month and a half before fonts of 300 characters or more were completed. The fine adjustment lasts throughout development, so it takes more time in total. I did not give the font name by myself, but everyone began to be called "squid font" or "splatoon font".

The work of the UI designer often designs icons and buttons, and does not make characters that attract lots of people. But by making "squid font" this time, it became used for packages of "Splatoon" game, web site, advertisement and magazine, as well as a variety of goods, the degree of exposure steadily increased . And it seems that many people are pleased with it, I feel that I was really good at making "squid font".

April 2016 New program animation "Bakuokun !!" Broadcast CM - YouTube

1st IkaLog eve of birth: behind IkaLog ~ How is real-time image analysis of "splatoon" done? | Gihyo.jp ... technical commentary

IkaLogTest # 6-1 - YouTube

IkaLo - g, a tool to support acquisition of Splatoon by image analysis using machine learning
In addition to stick reading, further cooperation with Miku Maku Mulu can be done with GUI version IkaLog
So, I tried playing with the aim of promoting S +!
(It re-encodes recording when CaveTube is delivered)

At the same time, my voice is also punctuated as a textbook
I seemed to be able to do so, I shed it together (this time slowly all the voice).

Instead IkaLog output message is not Yudachinized, but there - well.

With "Adult circumstances" to vision! "Masked Rider BLACK" VS "Masked Norida" | News Walker

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
【Overseas reaction】 "Hat off" Okazaki's overhead goal is praised by the world! | NO FOOTY NO LIFE

【Breaking News】 Mr. B, one giant pitcher seems to expose high school baseball gaming of dozens of people, Let's watch baseball @ N J summary blog

Circle voice, if you win, giants to 60,000 ~ 80,000 yen, emphasizing laboratory carrying: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Hankyu also gives cash to vocal players "Donation" NHK News

【Sad news】 Money acceptance among players, possibility of spreading to other teams · · · Nanjiashi Stadium @ N J Summary

[Sad news] Collision Rule warning 2 exit: Daily Nikki Quick News

Summarized the average age of each team's cleanup: Insane @ N

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Refreshing flavor energy drink "RAIZIN Green Wing" New Release | Taisho Pharmaceutical

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt