How much did the CIA cooperate with the movie "Zero · Dark Thirty"

Published in 2012The film "Zero · Dark · Thirty" is a work depicting a bin Laden killing strategyI received the 86th Academy Award for Sound Editing Award. It is not a propaganda movie that simply raises the administration but a high evaluation from critics and spectators, but the CIA played a major role in its production.

Tequila, Painted Pearls, and Prada - How the CIA Helped Produce 'Zero Dark Thirty' | VICE News

In August 2011, before film release, Kathryn Bigelau and others reported that they got important information from the Obama administration in order to take this "Zero · Dark Thirty"Biguro denies thisdoing. However, the CIA's over 100 pages of material acquired by VICE News based on FOIA (Information Disclosure Law) shows the relationship between CIA and movies.

Director Biguro and screenwriter Mark Ball is the mastermind of the simultaneous terrorist attacks in the United States that occurred on September 11, 2001 after his previous work "Heart · Rocker" was released in 2008 , I decided it was about Bin Laden that kept running away forever. The provisional title was "Tora Bora", which seems to be the centerpiece of Bin Laden capturing operation that failed in 2006.

According to the above-mentioned CIA data, it was in 2010 that the creation of this "Tora Bora" was in progress, as the CIA brought into contact with Vigreau and others. Mr. Leon Panetta, then secretary of the CIA, heard the story and promised cooperation for film production.

On May 2, 2011, the US military decided to kill Bin Laden. Following this, the screenwriter Mr. Ball and the CIA met and decided to give up the screenplay for "Tora Bora", and again it seems that the CIA has decided to create a work on how to find Bin Laden. On 24th June, the awards ceremony of the official who was awarded the discovery of Bin Laden was secretly made, but Mr. Ball was invited despite being an outsider. At this point, Mr. Ball is moving for the new project "Zero · Dark Thirty", and it is known that access to CIA officials and institutions was allowed for "promotion of research".

According to the document, the team members who actually participated in the Bin Laden killing strategy provided information on the strategy to the producer of the movie, while coach Biguro took the meal etc. to the CIA officials I heard he was doing it. The CIA analyst / Maya depicted as the protagonist of the movie is said to be a character combined with some people rather than a character modeled by a specific person, but for women who are supposed to be one of those models He told me that Tahitian black pearl earrings were sent as a thankor to Bigelow for helping filmmaking. However, this earring is not expensive, it seems to be about 200 dollars (about 23,000 yen) at most.

Female officials and Maybe Ball, a Maya model, reported that they went for a meal or went shopping. Up to this point, it seems to be quite a cooperative system, but in 2012 the CIA notifies the female staff not to contact Mr. Ball. Lastly, Mr. Ball negotiated to have female staff write a screening consent form from the experience appealed by a person who was unwilling to be drawn in a movie at the time of "heart locker" It seems I did not get a sign.

It is revealed that the movie is made based on interviews with people involved in actual events, but if the reality is due to close cooperation with the CIA, I am convinced of various things. In the audit on this matter, "no evidence was found" about the benefit from movie makers and the fact that confidential information was leaked to filmmakers.

in Movie, Posted by logc_nt