Electric powered skateboard "ACTON Blink" which advances without permission without kicking by iPhone operation

Electric roller skate that advances without permission without permission "RocketSkates"ACTON is an electric skateboard that can be controlled with the iPhone application"BlinkWe announced. A movie that actually operates on an electric skateboard has also been released.


You can understand how you ride "Blink" by seeing the following movie.

ACTON Blink [Sneak Peak] - YouTube

At first glance it's a man on a regular skateboard ... ...

Despite having a remote control at hand, despite not kicking the ground, the skateboard gains propulsion. It is also possible to operate from the iPhone application. The size is 26.5 inches (about 67.31 cm), and it is announced about the middle of a general skateboard and a penny skateboard.

You can also trick a little trick at skateboard park. Because there is no tail or nose (back and forth warpage return), advanced tricks such as jump can not be done, but it seems that it can not be helped because it carries a motor. Men often drive while squatting in movies, but probably because they are standing it seems to be difficult to balance against acceleration of the board.

From the back side, you can see that an electric motor is installed in the center of the board. Because it is not too big, it seems like you can carry with hanging from the shoulder.

The electric roller skate "RocketSkates" which I reviewed earlier was also difficult to balance according to the acceleration, so it was necessary to comprehend a totally different maneuvering method from the conventional roller skating, so "Blink" is also an ordinary skateboard It may be different maneuvering method than that.

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log