"Selfiexploratory" which can see what tendency is displayed by displaying self-taken images around the world by gender, age, posture

Self-portraits shooting their face with smartphone in-camera turned towards themselves are now taking place around the world, where the word "SELPHY" is born. Analyzing a large number of self-taken images uploaded to such Instagram, the trend of self-portraits around the world was highlighted as "Selfiexploratory"is.


When opening the Selfiexploratory page, the data analyzed by collecting self-taken images from the world around the world at the top of the screen and the 3840 self-taken images collected at the bottom are displayed. Self-portrayed images gathered are classified into "Amazon Mechanical Turk, "Visual recognition service"Orbeus"It is analyzed, and features of each picture are extracted and it is converted into data set.

The data are displayed from left to right from "CITY (city)", "AGE (age)", "GENDER (sex)" "LOOKING" "TURN (body orientation)" "TILT (photo inclination)" "EYS It is discriminated and displayed in the wind as "Window opening / closing)" "MOUTH" (opening / closing of mouth) "" GLASSES (presence / absence of sunglasses / glasses) "" CALM (calm) "" ANGRY (anger) "" HAPPY (happiness) " , When opening the page, it shows the trend of self-shooting all around the world, combined with analysis data of all self-taken images.

In the global self-portrait trend, the age with the most self-portrait is 25.2 years old, more females than men, rather rather upwards, taking self-portrait from both the body direction and the picture There are many things that are open, those with open eyes are closed, people like sunglasses are less visible. You can see that when you take self-shots, your emotions tend to be not calm, · when you are not angry · there are many happy times.

You can select the range of data to display by clicking and dragging various data. For example, if you click "Moscow" in the map of the city, it will be narrowed down to only the data taken in Moscow and the picture displayed at the bottom will change only to the self-taken image of the person in Moscow.

If you drag the graph of the age as it is, you can select the age range narrowing down like "20 to 30 years old". If this is the case, you will be displaying data and photos on "self-taken images of Moscow 20 to 30 years old".

Further narrowing the line of sight by "UP (upper eyes)", the "self-taken image of Moscow's 20-30 year old upper eyedrop" is overwhelmingly high proportion of women, the direction of the body is right in front, worldwide It turns out that there is a tendency to be more angry or happier than the tendency.

When narrowing down by "New York", New York people seem to be older people taking self than taking a global tendency.

Switching the city to Sao Paulo, it seems to be Brazilian that there are more happy people than the global trend.

It is only Bangkok which can be selected in Asia, it is characteristic that young age is taken self-shot by jumping.

In Japan, there are not many people using self-taking as Twitter icon, it seems that the culture of self-taking does not take root as much as overseas, but if there is something like "self-shooting does not go well, Considering the global trend such as attitude, maybe you can shoot well.

in Mobile,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log