An 11 - year - old girl becomes real 'dice wear', she rolls the dice and decides the password and mails it

ByLeah Love

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Choose a way to randomly select words from a word list by shaking dice and create a password (passphrase) as "Diceware (Diceware)I call it. It is hard to memorize passwords that are selected completely randomly for each letter, lowercase letter, number, and symbol, but if it is a passphrase made with diceware, it is easier to remember and make something more secure, An elementary school student who made this "pass phrase making" appeared.

Shop - DiceWARE

This 11-year-old is selling cryptographically secure passwords for $ 2 each | Ars Technica

Mr. Mira Modi of 6th graders living in New York who made business "passphrase making", 11 years old.

Although "Password" is not so long, roughly 10 characters or so, its content is a character string that is made by interwoven upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and symbols, which is not inferred by others. However even a character string that even a person himself can not remember can not resist brute-force attacks in units of 1000 characters per second, even if it is an 11-character password, it will be broken in about three days is. Moreover, because it is used in everyday in the first place,Many people set easy-to-remember things like "password" "123456".

On the other hand, "passphrase" refers to a password of about several dozen characters that is made by combining a plurality of unrelated words. For example, the 25-character passphrase "correcthorsebatterystaple" consists of four English words "correct" "horse" "battery" "staple", so if you remember even the sequence of English words, it is easy to input. Moreover, it is robust compared to a password of about 10 characters, and even if it receives the same brute force attack, if it is this length it will take 550 years to break.

The content of the business that Modi is doing is very simple. When there is an order, Mr. Modi actually rolls the dice, picks up a word from the diceware word list, and generates a passphrase consisting of six words. I just write it on paper and deliver it to the orderer with a letter. Why are we sent by letter rather than e-mail, if it is a letter, the government can not open it unless there is a search warrant. The price is 2 dollars (about 242 yen) per pass phrase.

Actually, Mr. Modi's mother said "Drag net surveillance network society - how to protect online privacyJournalist Julia Anne Gwynn, author of "Pulitzer Prize", says that. Mr. Ann Gwynn needed to make a passphrase in the research, but since I had no time to roll the dice by myself, I asked my daughter Modie for help. Since the diceware word list is released, anyone can make a passphrase by himself if you just roll the dice in the same way, but like Mr. Annwyn, "I make a passphrase myself I do not have time, I do not want to take any trouble. "

In addition, there are about 30 orders to Mr. Modi so far.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt