Amazon announces "Amazon Snowball" to speed up cloud transfer of large data

A new service that allows Amazon to transfer mass data to the cloud without concern for network bandwidthAmazon SnowballWe announced. Amazom responded by developing dedicated storage to solve the problem of "How can I do it 100 days even if there is a gigabit line to transfer 100 TB data?"

AWS Import / Export Snowball - Transfer 1 Petabyte Per Week Using Amazon-Owned Storage Appliances | AWS Official Blog

Amazon Snobwall was announced in the "Las Vegas"AWS re: Invent 2015That at thing.

Amazon provides "Amazon Import / Export" as a cloud data transfer / migration service. This service is also for transferring data at high speed without using the Internet, but it took time to prepare and ship storage on its own, and had problems such as security and human errors.

AWS Import / Export (cloud data transfer and migration service) | Amazon Web Services (AWS Japanese)

With the new service, when you apply for a transfer job "Snowball" storage is sent, first connect the local network and Snowball and copy the data. Once copying is completed, packing is unnecessary, and shipping the storage as it is OK. For this purpose weather-resistant dedicated storage was developed. The capacity is 50 TB, and the data is encrypted with 256 bits. Transfer is 10 Gb Ethernet. The weight of the storage itself is 50 pounds (about 23 kg), and it can withstand loads up to 6 G.

in Hardware, Posted by logc_nt