Famima "Sweet Potato Donuts" Flying Sweet Potato Flavored Grilled Chocolate on a Donut

FamilyMart is "Sweets +"We have developed a baked confectionary, western style confectionery, Japanese sweets on a notch series. In Sweets + of such baked sweets +, I made a sweet potato flavor of grilled chocolate on a donut that made me feel the autumn's arrival "Sweet potato donuts"Has appeared on Tuesday, September 29, 2015. It is said that even if you eat as it is, you can taste delicious sweet potatoes and donuts at once, so I actually tried to eat it.

That's why I got a "sweet potato donut" at FamilyMart.

Raw materials include semi-chocolate which is the source of sweet potato chocolate, sweet potato powder, and so on.

Taking out it looks like this. There are plenty of sweet potato flavored chocolate on one side of the donut, and the sweet sweetness of sweet potatoes is autumnish.

When you put it on the palm of your hand it is a fistish donut that you can eat crisply.

Sweet potatoes The surface of chocolate had grilled eyes and it took it to spill to the edge.

Try eating immediately, you can melt sweet potato flavored chocolate in your mouth. Sweet potato has been reproduced to the extent that it is not noticed to be chocolate, but the texture is fluffy donuts. Two familiar two sweets are unlikely combinations.

If you eat when you are tired you can smile with sweet potato sweetness and eat with coffee is also recommended.

In addition, the sweet potato donuts have different selling times depending on the region, in September 29 from the East Japan / Hokkaido area, in the West and Okinawa from the 6th October are scheduled to line up at stores. The price is 130 yen including tax.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log