Hidden content invoked when entering Konami command on Microsoft's official website

Konami CommandAnd was adopted in various games for the first time appearance in the game "Nintendo Game" for Nintendo, but somehow it was adopted in various games, why somehow entering Konami command on the official website of Microsoft will trigger hidden content So, I actually tried typing.

Microsoft - Official Home Page

If you open the above URL from Japan, you should see the official website for the Japanese version of Microsoft. Since the hidden content is activated on the official website of the US version, it needs to be changed there.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen to open the US version site, click "Japan - Japanese" at the bottom left.

As the screen for selecting country / region is displayed, click "United States - English" at the bottom of the third row from the left and it is OK.

When the displayed language changes to English, enter "↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → BA" on the keyboard and the Konami command. It is necessary to turn off those who have IME Japanese input turned on.

You can check what happens when you enter Konami command on the official website of Microsoft from the following movie.

Entering the Konami command on Microsoft's official website ...... - YouTube

When entering the Konami command, the thumbnail that was on the left of the screen changed to "Insert coin to Play", and 8-bit Ninja Cat appeared.

Dinosaurs with Ninja Cat cut three coins while crossing the screen from left to right.

Ninja Cat disappeared outside the screen.

Also, if you move the coin dropped by the dinosaur with Click & Hold and release it with the coin slot, further hidden content will be activated. It seems better to check on what the hidden content is. The hint is that the 8-bit NES game "Super Mario Bros." celebrated its 30th anniversary on 13th September 2015.

in Review,   Web Service,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log