Behavior change so that Chrome will not sound when playing movies automatically in the background

ByMontecruz Foto

In Google Chrome's development channel, changes have been made to prevent sounds of autoplayed movies from appearing until the tabs are on the front.

Google Chrome will now defer playback of autoplay media until the tab is foregrounded ...

It works for French GoogleFrançois BeaufortSomething revealed.

Currently, Google Chrome does not have any special control for automatic playback of movies, and if there are movies that are automatically played on background tabs, there was a possibility that sounds flowed without permission .

Even recently,Changed Behavior so that Twitter posted videos automaticallyOr,Samsung automatically plays live video with sound Banner advertisementYou can see cases where the movie is played automatically under circumstances not intended by the user.

However, after improving the behavior, if there is a movie scheduled to be automatically played on the background tab, it will be changed so that it will be played when you go to the front without playing it even if you load it, so " Sound suddenly began to sound "The circumstances seem to be avoided.

in Software, Posted by logc_nt