"Pixar in a Box" to learn how to make Pixar Animation in full swing

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Education website that publishes quality education free of chargeKhan AcademyCooperate with Pixar and learn how to make Pixar's animation using school mathematics "Pixar in a Box"Has been released. From rough descriptions of how Pixar 's animation is made and where mathematics is used, such as character modeling using weighted average and making a set using geometric transformation, etc. In fact, "classroom movies Seeing "and" Solving problems "are repeated to acquire skills to acquire skills.

Pixar in a Box | Khan Academy

When you visit the top page, first click "Start here!" On the right side of the screen.

Then,Monsters IncIntroduction page appears with the microphone. Click "Start Here!" ... ....

A movie explaining what "Pixar in a Box is like" starts.

In the movie, the scene of the scene "How animation is created in Pixar in the first place" is also released, and it is now possible to grasp both the sequence of animation production and the learning contents of Pixar in a Box It was.

Overview of Pixar in a Box - YouTube

That is why the movie is actually proceeded by Alex and Fran, who are actually making animation with Pixar.

Pixar in a Box has come to be able to learn the basic skills used in Pixar animation. For example, even if you move one character, first design it as paper ... ...

Make a model.

Make it 2D ... ...

I will move it using math and science skills.

Also, even if it says to make animation in one word, people with various skills are involved in Pixar. Artists and ... ...



Coder -

Model designers.

While studying mathematics at school, you might think that "How useful is this study?", But many of these Pixar technicians have learned mathematics at school for creative work I'm using.

Pixar in a Box is a place to tell you how mathematics learned at school is producing animation.

So I will actually look at the site of making animation with Pixar.

In Pixar, many animations are born day by day, but both begin with a small idea at first.Toy StoryofJohn LasseterThe director recalled that time with a passionate speech saying, "When the children are out of the room, life comes into toys, I can understand, my toys are like that."

And making a story begins from one idea.

I write a story development with a pencil so that the director and writers draw manga.

Meanwhile, the production designers and their team will build a world view and character.

Making graphics ......

Making a model is done.

On a separate line from the character and world viewing being done, the storyboard will enter the stage of editing.

Music and sound effects are added to the story. At the start we start from the rough picture like the following.

And when the material etc. goes up, the scene is updated every time. Woodies still have a little polygonishness.

Scenes will become full-scale by adding updates many times over and over.

Ultimately the following effects can be added, but all of these apply mathematics.

Movie to more technical part. "It's been nine years since I worked here, but I do not know exactly how the story we thought is a movie," Alex said.

When asked by a newly appearing woman named Geylen, "What kind of place was difficult with each movie?" Alex answered, "In the case of Toy Story, it's all," said Geilen.

In the case of Toy Story, he said that he invented all the processes from the beginning.

In the case of monsters ink, texture of fur and clothes.

CarsIn the case of reflections and texture of the surface of metal and so on it seems to be a big challenge.

Inside HeadIn the case the character is fluffy blue glowing, because it is wrapped in shining particles. This effect also became a big problem.

This is the site that actually models the character.

"She's tough and this is the 17th version."

Next, I make a set of movies. Cars 2 reproduced the streets of London with 3DCG.

We will build houses by combining every single part and build a big town by repeating it.

When the townscape is not completed, the car will run between gray and crowded buildings. The basics of modeling techniques used for shaping characters and streets are also learned in Pixar in a Box.

Also, on another site like a model made with clay ... ....

I will add texture.

Then, for exampleMr. IncrediblesAbout 24 scenes are packed per second in the following scenes ... ...

In each framerenderingVarious elements such as art, mathematics, and science integrated by the artists are stuffed up. It's said that it takes more than 24 hours to render one frame.

And, as a crystal of huge technology and time, the movie is sent out to the world.

So when the movie finishes it will switch to the screen like the one below. From here we will see how the Pixar in a Box class is composed. The Pixar in a Box consists of multiple lessons and practical problems, you can get points every time you see a movie, and click the "Save progress" button to save the progress so far.

In order to record your progress you need to register an account. Registration can be done from Facebook, Gmail, or e-mail, so register this time with Gmail this time.

Enter your account and password and click "Login".

Click "Allow".

Then, it switched to the screen as below. Click "Learn new stuff. Onward!" To continue the lesson.

This is "Learner's guide". In addition to "Start here!" "Learner's guide" on the left there was also "Educator's guide" for the educator.

Looking at the guide for people to learn, the content of the lesson is largely divided into six. First of allMerida and the Morning Forest"Environmental modeling" which explained how the grassy leaves are made using a parabolic arch

"Character modeling" which explained a method of transferring a model made of clay to digital using a weighted average

Using combination theoryWally"Clouds" which describes how a group of robots appearing in

"Animation" tells me how to animate the life of animators

"Set & Scaffolding" describes geometric transformation in computer graphics and explains how movie sets are made.

And finally "Rendering". I will explain how pixels are drawn using linear equations.

For example, looking at environmental modeling, the lesson was divided into two: "modeling grass using parabola" and "calculating parabola".

The lesson is a commentary with a movie ......

Parts that actually solve problems and draw parabola are alternately combined and it is possible to repeat them any number of times, so you can do inputs and outputs at your own pace until you are satisfied with it It is.

In the case of environmental modeling, there are five items in all, and it is possible to acquire technology certainly by repeating the movie viewing and problem solving.

An example of a lesson movie is as follows.

EM5 FINAL - YouTube

The Kahn Academy, which has published classes, is a non-profit educational website operated by Mr. Salman Kahn with the mission of "Providing quality education to all people all over the world free of charge" , Google and the Bill Gates Foundation as well. As Kohn Academy and Pixar cooperate in organizing and teaching contents, Pixar in a Box has come to be able to learn from the beginning to create animation on the technical side, and I am interested in animation making How is mathematics useful as well as a certain person? It was also very interesting as an example to answer the child's question.

in Web Service,   Video,   Anime, Posted by darkhorse_log