"High Score Girl" Finally series and sales resumed, Square and SNK Playmore settled and comments also from the author

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Square Enix head office searches for housesIt is,"High score girl" is closed,furtherDocument submissionIt was announced that the incident that was thought as to what the future is going to have settled on August 24 at last.

Notice concerning settlement of dispute settlement | SQUARE ENIX

"Content of settlement" is roughly divided into the following three.

1: SNK Playmore will cancel criminal complaints

2: Square and SNK Playmore withdraw each of the above cases

3: Square can continue publishing and selling high score girls

As a background so far, SNK Playmore first sought criminal complaints to the Osaka police on May 26, 2014 as "High Score Girl infringes copyright" as a result of the SNK Playmore being infringed.

In response to this, Sueni filed an obligation non-existence lawsuit in Osaka District Court on October 8, 2014, seeking confirmation that "High Score Girl does not infringe SNK Playmore's copyright." In addition SNK Playmore counterclaimed, as of March 16, 2015, it became a muddy to bring up a copyright infringement action injunction lawsuit seeking injunction for publication of high score girls in the Osaka District Court.

However, in order to enable the creation of new collaborative opportunities using the content of each company in the future between SNK Playmore's major shareholder "Ledo Millennium Co., Ltd." and Square / SNK Playmore, "The conflict It should be settled as soon as possible "and the settlement between the two companies was concluded on August 24, 2015.

Based on this settlement, SNK Playmore submitted to the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office a letter of withdrawal on the criminal charges on August 24, 2015, which has been accepted by the agency and "both companies and Ledo through the creation of new collaborative opportunities We will continue to strive for the development and provision of contents that meet the expectations of our fans. "

In addition, the announcement has been made public in the name of the editor of the editor-in-chief of the monthly Big Ganggan editorial, "The information to readers" has been released, "After receiving this solution, we will resume serialization and sale of" High Score Girl "as soon as possible We are thinking that we would like to deliver the work to everyone who supports us. "Finally, the series restarts. In addition, from the author Hiroshi Oshkiri, who is a highscore girl author, "I was worried very much for everyone of the readers. I would like to work hard to make better works and strive to be able to respond to everyone's feelings Please continue your favors towards "High Score Girl" in the future, thank you.

Important Notice on "High Score Girl" | Big Ganggan | SQUARE ENIX

· Continued
It was announced on May 23, 2016 by SQUARE ENIX that it was July 25, 2016 that both the resumption of the series and the release of the renewal version comics / new releases are both available.

"High Score Girl" series restart & renewal revised revised comic release is decided - GIGAZINE

in Manga,   Game, Posted by darkhorse