Work BGM site 'Soundscape' that collects natural environmental sounds such as 'cafe sound' and 'water sound' to enhance concentration

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 12:35 Aug 04, 2015, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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I think that there are many people who play music on PCs and smartphones when they want to concentrate on work or study, but sometimes and in some cases the beat, melody, and harmony of music are worrisome and they cannot concentrate on the contrary. There is also. In such a case, 'Oto Scenic ' is a site that seems to improve your concentration by playing environmental sounds such as 'cafe sound', 'water sound', and 'insect voice'.

Site to meet work BGM | Adult landscape

2021/08/03 Addendum: The service has ended on June 30, 2021.

When I opened the site, the BGM player was displayed with the message 'Make your work comfortable by using the sounds of cafes and nature as BGM.' Playback has a simple UI that just clicks the play button in the middle, so you won't get lost in the operation.

'Oto Scenic' is a site that specializes in the reproduction of environmental sounds that are not music, and the sound sources recorded in nature have come to be reproduced. The length of each sound source is about 1 hour, which is suitable for leaving it as BGM.

The sound sources prepared at the time of writing the article are three genres: 'cafe sound,' 'water sound,' and 'insect voice.' Apart from this, the 'electronica' genre is under preparation.

In the ' cafe sound ' genre, you can hear the 'cafe sound' exactly as it is.

' Sound of water ' has a lot of sound sources. It is also interesting that there are some really pinpoint sounds such as 'the sound of water drops' and 'the sound of hot springs', 'the sound of rivers flowing through parks' and 'the sound of water flowing through rice canals'. By the way. Each sound source has a different personality, so it seems that you can match it with the mood that 'it is better to make a little more chorochoro'.

There were two types of ' insect voice ', 'higurashi bark and river sound' and 'cicada bark and fountain sound'. All of them are sound sources recorded in the summer season, and when I listened to the sound, it seemed that the summer air and hot sunlight revived in a real way.

'Oto Scenic' is a new site that just started service on July 31, 2015, and the Saitama creator team the Saibase , which operates the service, is considering adding the following services in the future. It is said that it is doing. It is intriguing to see what kind of content and sound sources will be added.

・ I want to have a login function so that I can create playlists.
・ I want to create functions specialized for infants, sleep, etc.
・ I want to carry out sales activities such as having them used at stores
・ I want to provide an application version

◆ Bonus
As a content that records the sounds of nature and society live, a program called 'Sound Scenery ' that is broadcast on NHK-FM is also well known. The program started in 1985, and it is a program of about 5 minutes that broadcasts the sounds of various places in Japan and around the world with commentary.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log