How will genes inherited from parents affect the results of the examination?

ByJessica Lucia

It is known that genes are involved in the results of children in schools, but what kind of subjects, what kind of points the genes are affecting, and new research results announced It was done. In general, it is often thought that "the intelligence of a child inherited from a parent influences the performance", but in this research, "motivation" and "character" genetically inherited from parents other than intelligence greatly affect the results It turned out to be.

Pleiotropy across academic subjects at the end of compulsory education: Scientific Reports: Nature Publishing Group

Your inherited genes control your IQ, and may affect how well you do at exams, too | Ars Technica UK

This research is a very large scale targeting twins. "Twins" who grew up in the same environment are often chosen as subjects in the field of behavioral genetics because the environment affects the outcome even if it is an identical twin or a twin egg twin . At this time, if the result of the exam is similar to twin egg twins over twin egg twins, it means "the influence of the gene is great", but "The twins of identical twins are two eggs There are criticisms that the way of being handled is similar to twins of sexual twins ", so this research included the DNA of other red people, in addition to twins, to be investigated.

Researchers surveyed 2245 pairs of identical twins, 4071 pairs of twin eggy twins, and 7432 others as red subjects. I examined how the environment and genes affected the results of the British national unified test system (GCSE).

ByEddy Van 3000

As a result of the survey, in the case of twins, the influence of genes on the results of the test is 54% to 65%, the influence by the environment is 14 to 21%, the influence by the person's special experience and special environment is 14 to 32% It turned out to be. Although the degree of influence varies depending on subjects, it is said that the influence of genes was seen considerably in all fields. "Mathematics has a bigger influence of genes than art" has also been found.

Also, as it turned out that the test result was related to the student's IQ score at a high rate, researchers also looked at the magnitude of the influence the students' intelligence had on the test results. And when excluding the influence of his intelligence on the result, the effect of the whole gene changed a little, but in essence it was playing a big role. In other words, although the intelligence inherited from parents had an effect on the child's performance, the "genetic element" other than intelligence was also heavily involved in the results of the child's examination.


Taken together, it is thought that elements such as motivation, personality, and mental health inherited from parents other than intelligence can account for 45 to 58% of the difference in grades. In the case of twins who have grown up in the environment, this proportion will become even bigger as for specific subjects such as English and mathematics. On the other hand, the results of the survey targeting other people in red were less relevant than those targeting twins, but the influence of heredity on subjects such as mathematics, English, science was confirmed.

The point to notice in this research is that "only intelligence is not a genetic characteristic affecting the results of studies" as has been argued in past studies. The genetic elements found in motivation and personality other than intelligence play an important role. When choosing something, the genetic elements appear greatly in terms of how the children choose it and interpret what happens in the world.

Also, in an environment where "a child grows up with sufficient nutrition and another child grows hungry", it depends on the environment whether the child will become high stature or short stature in the future. However, when all people grow up with adequate nutrition, the influence of genes will be greater in each individual 's height difference. In other words, it is said that the impact of genes on children 's results is large, if we can reverse it, the environment where children grow up is generally in place. Therefore, although this research was done in the UK, please note that this result can not be applied to children in all countries. Because the living environment where children grow up varies from country to country.

By{Bathe in light}

Although the findings from this research are considered to be useful for improving the educational program, some of the researchers said "Although the result is interesting, it is not decisive, and based on this data educational decision It is absurd to do that. " Also,Kings College LondonProfessor Timothy Spector, who studies genetic epidemiology at Mr. Timothy Spector, said: "Unfortunately, studies showing the effects of genes are expansive and interpretable, creating false recognition that fate can not be changed."

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log