Study clearly that home environment boosts children's IQ

ByMe and the sysop

It is a well-known fact that the home environment has various influences on children, but new studies have found that children raised in an educated and familial family have higher cognitive abilities than children in non-educated families Did.

Family environment and the malleability of cognitive ability: A Swedish national home-reared and adopted-away cosibling control study

Kids who are adopted get a boost in IQ | Ars Technica

The joint research team of Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia University of America, Lund University of Sweden and Lund University of Sweden was an adult male who was between 18 and 20 years old IQ test conducted as part of the enlistment examination in the military duty system of military training duty We conducted a survey on 436 people who were born to the same family, one was adopted as another family member, and one was raised to the original family, a slightly special case.


In the survey, we digitize the educational level of each family where they grew up, incorporate the results, and compare the results of IQ test of adopted child and child. According to the results of the survey, it was found that the average score of the adopted male IQ test was 4.4 points higher than the male of the real child. Researchers conclude that the cause of the difference of 4.4 points is that families who grew up were eager to educate.

Most of the adopted candidates were raised in an enthusiastic family and the IQ score tends to be higher as the time spent in those families is longer. There were also people who were raised in families who are not very interested in education even though they are small, even though they were small, IQ score was lower than the actual child who remained in the real family.

ByDaniel Sempértegui

The research team conducted an additional survey for 2431 men who were born in the same family but grew up with adopted children and real children. Even in the additional survey, adopted adopts a higher average score in the IQ test than in the first survey, although the difference was 3.18 points although it was lower than the previous survey as in the first survey.

While working as a professor of psychology at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, he studied the relationship between brain and intelligence for many years and did not participate in the research team's researchStuart RitchieThe professor says, "It is not a new discovery that being influenced by the environment that IQ was raised is not a new discovery, but this survey I think is a wonderful demonstration that families who adopted adopt a positive influence on adoptive cognitive abilities There was a problem that the target number of mothers was small in the survey so far "and this survey seems to contribute greatly to demonstrate the theory which was discussed before before .

ByNathan Wong

From now on, based on the findings, we will focus on what parents can do to improve the cognitive abilities of children and research will be promoted.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log