Etch the tortilla of food with a laser beam to turn into a record that can be played

In addition to accurately cutting objects,You can also stamp an image on a tree. Therefore, Mexican food "tortillaAn attempt was made to process the disk-shaped skin used for the laser cutter and change it to an analog record.

An Actual Playable Tortilla Record Etched with a Laser Cutter - YouTube

First of all prepare tortilla leather. There are things made of wheat flour and those made from corn flour, but the tortilla's skin made from corn has many unevenness and is unsuitable for records. Also, although two types of fire-filled and non-fire are sold, those with fire are more suitable for records because the outer skin peels off more while playing It is said that "the skin of tortilla of flour without putting fire" is.

Set the skin of the tortilla to the laser cutter. At this time, "The laser cutter is compatible with the output to the tortilla" "To adjust the height of the cutting table so that the laser can hit the tortilla properly" "To prevent the oil from getting sticky, Do not forget to lay down paper.

Close the lid and click the button.

Laser cutter draws circles more and more in the skin. The tortilla's skin is less pressured than the compressed inner side but the outer sound sounds better, so it is recommended to choose as large as possible.

A circle is drawn steadily to tortilla ... ...

Finally, a small circle is strongly drawn at the center of the tortilla's skin.

When put on the record base, the stabilizer sticks in the center of the leather.

Gently put the tone arm in the record ...

I played the music. I am playing music named after the tortilla skin "The Mexican Hat Dance". A little noise is mixed, but it is clear sound more than expected.

Once the performance is over it will peel off the record.

Eat meat mushrooms and proved that it's really tortilla skin.

In addition, Rapture Records which is uploading a movie has released a process of actually how to make a tortilla skin record. We also have data files of music actually carved into the leather so we can make use of people who want to make records with tortilla peel from now on.

Make a Working Playable Tortilla Record with a Laser Cutter

This is the corn of tortilla made of corn actually made. It is not suitable for playing because it is etched with a laser cutter on an uneven surface.

On the other hand, the skin of tortilla made from wheat flour has a smooth surface.

Music files areAudacityEdit with free software called. The actually created PDF fileYou can download from here.

This usedEpilog laser cutter. PDF files are available.

The output setting was done with "Speed: 95", "Power: 20", "Frequency: 5000".

And this is the tortilla peel that was actually output.

The interval between some lines and lines is narrowed because the skin of raw tortilla dried and shrunk.

In addition to The Mexican Hat Dance, Rapture Records has uploaded a movie of tortilla record that can actually be played and can be viewed from the following page.

Rapture Records - YouTube

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log