Large amounts of egg fossils are found at the construction site of the city called "hometown of dinosaurs"

A large amount of fossils of eggs of dinosaurs was discovered from the site of road construction in Heyuan City in Guangdong province, China. Some fossils of found eggs were found in almost intact state and attracted the attention of archeologists.

Dinosaur egg fossils found during road works in southern China | South China Morning Post

CCTVNews - 43 dinosaur egg fossils unearthed in S. China ...

A large amount of fossils of dinosaur eggs was found in the repair work site of the road which was done in the center of Heyuan City.

Fossils discovered were all 43, 19 of which were found in almost unscathed state.

Egg fossils are large and 13 cm in diameter. A part of fossils of a large amount of eggs was discovered in the city of Heyuan in the past, and although it was nicknamed "hometown of dinosaurs", it is the first time that egg fossils themselves were discovered Is that

According to Mr. Du Yanli, Director of the Heiyuan Museum, there is a stratum called red sandstone in the vicinity of Heyuan City and it is suitable for long-term storage of dinosaur eggs.

Fossils of 43 eggs discovered are the highest research institutes of natural science in ChinaChinese Academy of ScienceThe type of fossil dinosaurs will be examined.

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in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log