"Aunt Stella's cookie fondue" that eats a hot sauce with cookies.
Based on the recipe of Aunt Stella actually existed, 32 cafes of 'Aunt Stella's Cookie' offering American type hand-baked cookies and cakes are provided, and from March 20, 2015Lady Stella's cookie fondueSince the sale of the song was started, I really eaten what the heat source is like.
Aunt Stella Cookie | Antestella Inc.
Arrived at a shop with a cafe.
There are tasty cookies lining up.
Sit down at the table and ordered "Ladder Stella's Cookie Fondue" from the menu table. Both chocolate sauce and caramel sauce are 650 yen including tax, and it is a set of 5 source cookies / marshmallows / drinks. Drinks can be selected from coffee (HOT, ICE) · tea (HOT, ICE) · milk (HOT, ICE) · orange juice.
After waiting about 5 minutes, "Aunt Stella's Cookie Fondue" was brought.
First I will eat it with caramel sauce.
In this time, after listening to the recommendation from the store clerk, from the left, choose five kinds of cookies: coconut, circling strawberry chocolate, cherry blossom, butterscotch, caramel custard, old fashioned sugar.
First is Old Fashion Sugar.
I will add a character mail source and try it. The caramel sauce is a rich mellow and intense sweet sauce. The compatibility of older fashion sugar and caramel sauce that is standard with sweetness and modest crispness is outstanding.
Next, caramel custard.
If you put hot caramel sauce in a strongly sweet cookie with caramel taste it will be a very strong taste of caramel. If you like caramel, you may try it.
Cherry Blossoms.
As a crispy, the cherry blossoms taste slightly awesome and the taste of caramel sauce are both marvelous combinations that can be experienced without diluting either.
Around the strawberry chocolate.
The strawberry chocolate is strawberry taste stronger than chocolate taste and has a slightly consolidated texture, compatibility with caramel sauce is not bad.
Good cookie with caramel sauce that looks crispy with crispy coconut taste honestly and it is good.
When tangled with caramel sauce in marshmallows, the taste of caramel sauce is strong, so you can taste the taste of the sauce well. Marshmallows are fluffy, sweet and modest.
Even if I finish eating cookies, caramel sauce will not run out, and even if it cools a little, the sauce did not solidify and there was no problem.
Next I will eat it with chocolate sauce.
The cookies of this time are five kinds of from the left, strawberry chocolate, cherry blossoms, Buttersukuchi, Old fashion sugar, and round and round raspberry yoghurt.
Round a round raspberry yogurt.
Chocolate sauce is sweet, thick and bitter taste. The roundabout raspberry yoghurt is chewy, yoghurt is not felt so much, but the sourness of raspberry is strong, it matches well with the sweetness of chocolate sauce.
Butter scutcher is strong buttery flavor, fragrant sweetness and unobtrusive cookie, it is a good compatibility with the bitter flavor of chocolate sauce.
Old fashion sugar.
As well as Buttersukatchi, compatibility with the chocolate sauce is excellent with the standard type of old fashion sugar, which is moderately sweet as well as Buttersky.
Next, Sakura.
There is nothing wrong with the slightly astringent Sakura taste of crispy texture and compatibility of rich, slightly bitter chocolate sauce.
Around the strawberry chocolate.
Crispy texture with strong resistance, strong strawberry taste and chocolate sauce fits well.
Attaching to fluffy marshmallows, this also has a strong taste of chocolate sauce, you can taste the taste of the sauce well. It is a sweet one and a tasteless person tastes like it.
Both chocolate sauce and caramel sauce are sweet, so it is recommended that you choose coffee or tea for drinks.
Even if some time passed, it did not solidify while warm, and even if I finished eating cookies, chocolate sauce was too much. If you are sweet, you may want to try it. If you do not like to be too sweet, it is safe to refrain from "Lady Stella's cookie fondue".
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